church boy [noren]

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once again, i nicked this off my friend on ao3, go show her some love account is @/chanyeols_puppy

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Renjun is the son of really religious parents and was always taught that homosexuals were bad and were going to infect you with their gay germs if you got near them. Renjun meets a boy at his school named Lee Jeno and when Jeno sees the want in Renjun's eyes whenever he looks at a guy that doesn't appear for girls, he intends to break the boy's innocence and give the boy what he truly wants.

where Renjun is a good christian boy and jeno wants to destroy his innocence

warnings- homophobia/internalized homophobia, innocent renjun, conversion thing, loss of virginity, homophobic slurs

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Renjun sat with his parents on Tuesday evening in the church. They sat in the priest's office. Renjun sat nervously as his parent's arms on the small of his back. They sat up straight with seemingly perfect posture. The door opened and in stepped Father Kim. He sat in front of the three and looked at Renjun who shivered between his parents.

"Hello Renjun, I've heard lots about you," and with that Renjun's parents left and weren't going to come back for another hour, when their son's conversion therapy was over. They knew their son would come out as gay, and they didn't want him to turn out that way. He was 10 at the time.

Years past after the 6 months they sent their son to the church every week. He has little memory of the sessions but he has a little voice, in the back of his head a little voice yelled at him whenever a thought of other boy's his age came in.

He knew boys that dated each other and that weren't scared of what would happen. Why did he have to be afraid? 8 years had passed since he went to conversion therapy.

Renjun left his classroom as the bell rung and got his books. He stopped to talk to friends in the hall and soon left the school building. He had to walk past the football field to get home and as he glanced over at the boys that ran around sweating. He noticed Lee Jeno whipping his brow with his shirt showing his 6 pack and when he met eyes with the small brown-haired boy he smirked.

Everyone knew WHO Huang Renjun was. He was a cute, innocent church boy. Everyone remembers when they were younger and he was sent to conversion therapy, it was the talk of the town for weeks.

Jeno smirked as the boy squeaked and almost ran away. He went back to practice but the small boy crept into his mind every chance he got. Practice ended and Jeno showered before going home. An idea boiling in his head. What would happen if Huang Renjun was SOO innocent and NOT so straight anymore?

Jeno watched the boy at school. He noticed how Renjun's eyes lit up when they landed on specific people, never once did it happen when he looked at a girl. Mark and Donghyuk were making out at lunch, Renjun looked at them with almost longing, but shook himself quickly after.

Jeno knew the look in the boy's eyes and he decided he was going to fix it.

"Minnie, "Renjun sang out as he got to school. He ran to his friend, Na Jaemin, and smiled, "My parents said I could go over to your house this weekend," the boy said happily.

"Really, wow that nice. I'm going to Mark's party on Friday night, so if you want to come, "Jaemin said holding out the last word, "I bet your parents wouldn't mind."

"Sure as long as I'm with you, they won't mind," Renjun said happily. He liked Mark, his parents not so much, but that's because he had a boyfriend. Donghyuk was nice too so he wasn't sure why they didn't like the pair. They were both really nice and Mark even went to their church.

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