yeah i'm into it [noren]

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my friend updated her ao3 again, so here's a cheat update lol
she also changed her user to sparkling_r3njun

Jeno goes out one night with his friends and somehow they end up at a gay strip club. Jeno's left alone as his friends found pleasure buddies, but then he finds his own.

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age changes, daddy kink, sex toys, strip club

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Jeno had agreed to go out with Jaemin and Donghyuck solely because he was lonely and missed them. He also had a long week, just getting back from Italy from a business trip and he had a mountain of paperwork on his desk when he got back. He was hoping to go to a normal bar, he didn't realize that they would go to Cherry Bomb, the gay strip club.

They got in and in a blink of an eye, Jeno was alone at the bar, glass in his hand, as Jaemin and Donghyuck had been pulled to private rooms. He listened to the English song that played throughout the building.

He downed the rest of his glass before he just looked around. There were practically naked guys on the stage, someone threw a credit card up there, and one of them stuffed it away before winking at the man that threw it.

Slim waisted guy's wearing panties with bunny ears and tales on walked around with platers of drinks bringing them to the person that ordered. Then Jeno looked at his bartender, he was wearing tight black jeans and a black silk button-up that fit him tightly, his muscles flexing with even the smallest movement.

He motioned for another, before downing it. He shook his leg along with the catchy song, being knocked out of his thoughts by a small tap of his shoulder. He turned around and saw a small boy, wearing the customary bunny ears and tall as he looked up at Jeno with big eyes, innocence dripping from them.

"Yes," he asked looking the small boy up and down. He could see the boy quiver after he talked, his pale skin contrasting the black panties he wore. Jeno thought of how he was probably looking and relaxed his face, his black suit didn't really help though.

"One of the gentlemen that you came in with, told me to, uhm to get you, and bring- to bring you," he stumbled over his words. Jeno worried about how intimidating countless days of sleepless nights had made him.

"I understand what you mean," Jeno said and smiled down at him. The boy seemed to calm with his smile, before reaching out for his hand. Jeno took it, just to be swept down the hallway and into a room.

The large bed with white sheets sat in the middle of the red room. The lights were dim, while the walls of the room were a red color. The boy pulled him to the bed and pushed him onto it. His eyes were still wide and held some type of innocence.

Jeno's hand held the other chin, his thumb moving over his plump bottom lip, "First off baby, what's your name?"Jeno asked, pressing harder into his mouth.

"Injunnie- Renjun," he squeaked out.

"And one more question, what's your age," he asked, the boy in front of him looked still in his teenage years and that worried Jeno a little bit.

"I'm 21," Renjun said, trying to look away from the older man.

"Hmm," Jeno hummed before let his thumb fall of the younger's lip, "Why'd you choose this job," Jeno asked.

"Ah- I- Uhm, It was an easy way to make money," he said and started to look down, but Jeno forced him to keep looking at him.

"Well sweet cheeks, how long have you been here, "Jeno asked getting slightly closer to the younger.

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