Chapter 18: Turn off the Lights and Turn off the Shyness

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Camila was not prepared to run five kilometers through Central Park. Or to be dragged five kilometers through Central Park by her girlfriend and her dogs. She was surrounded by people who looked like they were about to start a fucking triathlon.

It's a dog run, people. Calm yourselves down.

Camila held Lauren's hand to prevent her from skipping as they came to the clearing where the run was supposed to start. Lauren's eyes widened and she froze.

Dogs. Everywhere. Dogs, dogs, and more dogs. Camila quirked her eyebrows up and watched Lauren soak it all in. Lauren was broken from her reverie when Cornelius tried to bolt after a puppy that was trying to play with him.

Camila checked to make sure her girlfriend's arm wasn't dislocated.

Then Camila nudged Lauren in the ribs and nodded towards the check-in table.

"How about you sign us in, Lauren?"

Lauren looked at the table, which was surrounded by a good number of people, but not mobbed, and then down at Camila, twisting Cornelius's leash around her fingers. Camila waited patiently.
As patiently as one can wait when her dog's dragging them in five different directions.

Lauren nodded confidently, and Camila swatted her on the butt as she walked away, grinning when Lauren whirled around and flushed. Camila gave her a thumbs up. For what, she didn't know. Her ass? Yeah, that would work. It was glorious.

She sat on the grass, and then quickly got back up when Barnaby tried to sit in her lap, and she surveyed all the people and their animals around her. Ah, she should've gotten little clothes for Barnes and Cornelius to wear! Little running booties and neon vests.

Now Camila was disappointed in herself. She'd lost an opportunity to dress up her dogs. And they really didn't come around that often. Halloween was pretty much it.
She watched Lauren standing quietly in the line, and then leaning over the counter to check them in, and smiling at the lady who handed them their pin-on numbers.

Lauren's hands fidgeted with the leash, but she waved happily at the woman when she left the table. And then she waved at Camila, who was smiling like a fool.

She didn't know why. She was about to run three miles. That did not deserve a smile.

"Ready!" Lauren called out excitedly when she was still about twenty yards away.

Camila was going to scream something back at her, though she hadn't determined what yet, when some guy sauntered into her path.

Camila stopped abruptly and looked up at him. Dark hair. Dark eyes. She raised an eyebrow instead of shoving him out of her way. It was the polite thing to do.

"I'm Shawn." He stated confidently, sticking out his hand with a smile.

Camila narrowed her eyes, but shook his hand and introduced herself. Where was this guy's dog? Was he actually trolling the dog run to pick up girls? Camila bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing, and then drew blood when she caught sight of Lauren's expression. She looked like a meerkat, observing from a few feet behind Shawn.

Eyes wide and alert. Ready to pounce for her woman. Or on her woman.
Camila shook her head slightly. She wanted to see how far this guy could get before he completely embarrassed himself.

Lauren watched her warily and nodded, clasping her hands in front of her, and rocking back on her heels.

Camila focused back on Shawn expectantly. She hadn't heard anything he'd said in the past thirty seconds, so she just nodded and hoped he hadn't asked any questions.

Just off the key of reason / Camren VersionWhere stories live. Discover now