Chapter 29: A Place That Has to be Believed to be Seen

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Camila rarely woke up in the middle of the night. Unless it was for good reason. Very good reason. Like a fat cat named Butter smothering her face until she was gasping for breath. Or a gigantic bunny named Benjamin trying to scale the side of the bed like a mountain goat, repeatedly dislodging the mattress.

Sleep just came easily. So when Camila woke up at two in the morning, breathing steadily in a still bedroom, she knew it was because something was missing.

Specifically, Lauren. She rolled over to check, and her flailing arm came into contact with Cornelius's splotchy face. He thumped his tail against the bed like he enjoyed it, nudging her hand so she'd continue.

Camila did, because he'd climb on top of her if she ignored him.

"Lauren." Camila called out hesitantly in the direction of the bathroom. When there was no answer, she extricated herself from the web of animals surrounding her and crossed the bedroom, walking straight into the door frame.

Camila was not functional in the early morning. And two a.m. was just fucking insane. She was like a foal learning to stand. She rubbed her nose in surprise and toddled out to the living room.

Lauren sat cross-legged on the couch with a chem book open on the coffee table and a pile of notes in her hand.

George was in her lap, and the rocking that Lauren was doing seemed to be putting him to sleep. Camila smiled to herself.

"You'll go blind, baby." she commented quietly, flipping on the main light to add to the little lamp Lauren had on. The main light glowed with the intensity of a thousand suns, and Camila found herself temporarily blinded. She turned on the floor lamp instead.

Lauren whipped her head around and grinned. "I want to swim with whales in the wild."

Well, then. Was that in the chemistry book? Because it was a wonderful idea. Let's go find a pod of wild killer whales and hop right in.

Camila was skeptical.

"It would be fun!" Lauren proclaimed, shutting her book and turning to face Camila completely. "We could swim with dolphins and sea turtles as well. Go snorkeling and diving. Maybe Hawaii?"
Camila nodded. She could roll with that. Unless Lauren really tried to frolic with giant humpback whales. Lauren should just be kept away from giant mammals in general, actually. Her love wouldn't be reciprocated by most.

"You'd have to learn how to swim first, bear." Camila said with a sleepy smile.

Lauren scooted forward so their knees touched. She leaned in close, and Camila focused on her bright green eyes. How was she so fucking awake? Camila was still having some sort of mild sleepy hallucinations about the giant, terrifying shadow on the wall.

"Teach me tomorrow." Lauren suggested.
Camila frowned. "After your final?"

Lauren nodded brightly.

Camila looked around like she just realized she was sitting in a mountain of chemistry notes. "Why are you studying in the middle of the night? You need sleep, baby."

Lauren completely ignored this. "Will you teach me how to swim tomorrow?" she pressed.

Camila raised an eyebrow and tapped Lauren's knees. "Will you come to bed?"

Oh God. Camila almost jumped out of her skin when the shadow on the wall shifted. She played it off like she was standing up because she was sitting on something. She actually was, and she handed Lauren a pile of rogue chocolate Teddy Grahams before sitting back down.

Lauren looked amused. And then delighted because she was just handed a pile of Teddy Grahams. She nodded.

"But I want to ask Normani to help."

Just off the key of reason / Camren VersionWhere stories live. Discover now