Chapter 3: Far from the Madding Crowd

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Since it was February, and they were in New York, walking through Central Park, Camila was freezing. Her apartment had deceived her into thinking it was warmer outside than it actually was. Now, she strolled along next to Lauren, trying to stop her teeth from chattering. Fucking Siri was a liar.

Lauren glanced down and studied her for a moment, a frown forming on her face.

"Are you cold?"

Camila smiled regretfully and nodded as her teeth clicked together. "I know, I know. I should've been prepared. I feel like I'm on an Arctic expedition."

Lauren slid her coat off her shoulders and went to drape it over Camila . "Here. Put this on." Camila was surprised, but allowed the taller woman to help her slide her arms through.

"Won't you be cold?" Camila asked worriedly.

Lauren just shook her head with a small smile and went back to playing with the flaps on her mittens. They had gotten lunch at Camila's favorite café, and were now walking it off in the Park. Camila looked up when she noticed Lauren's head pop up and a slight bounce appear in her step. Green eyes were bright and innocent and excited, and Camila followed the line of sight. Straight to a balloon man.

Camila smiled.

Camila didn't say anything; she wanted to see if Lauren would stop them. Sure enough, they almost passed the vendor before Lauren slowed, then turned to Camila and stopped, biting her lip.

"I want to get a balloon." She blurted, then made a WTF face like she didn't know why she said that.

Camila grinned knowingly and pulled her over to the vendor. "Me too!"

Lauren looked surprised and excited.

Camila asked for a purple one.

"Um, can I have a blue one...and a yellow one, please? And a green one?" Lauren said shyly.

Camila smiled and put a hand on Lauren's shoulder. "I think my friend here needs a balloon animal hat as well." Camila studied her for a moment, then nodded decisively. "A lion. Definitely a lion."

Camila hoped this guy knew what he was doing, otherwise it'd come out as a hat of yellow sausages. Lauren really didn't need that.

The vendor grinned at them. "Alrighty. What about one for you?"

Camila started to shake her head, but Lauren held the hand that had been on her shoulder and interrupted quietly. "She needs one too." She glanced down at Camila . "A bear. Please."

The man nodded happily and made their hats and handed them their colorful balloons. They actually looked like animals, which made Camila and Lauren look sort of like fools, but, whatever. They were fabulous.

"What now?" Camila asked. Her balloon hat was slightly too big so it sat crookedly on her head. Lauren focused on tying the string of one of her balloons to her wrist.

Camila tried not to smile.

"Um, we could...I don't know, lie in the sun for a while? It might warm you up. I'd just rather stay outside, than..."

"Perfect." Camila said brightly. She smiled as Lauren tossed a few dollars in a homeless man's hat, offering him a wave and small, "hi."

She wondered how this woman got to be so sweet, and why she didn't share enough of it with the world.


"Lauren!" Camila proclaimed, striding out of her bedroom when they got home. "I still don't have your cell phone number."

Just off the key of reason / Camren VersionWhere stories live. Discover now