Chapter 28: You Could Climb a Ladder up to the Sun

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Half the space of the kitchen floor was taken up by eight bowls of varying sizes and colors. Every day. They started in a line, but would turn into a minefield once the animals were let loose on them. Water everywhere. Cat food on the counter. Waffles behind the oven. This morning, Lauren put her hands on her hips and ignored the swarm around her legs, staring at the bowls on the counter to make sure they were filled correctly.

There was a small one with grass hay and lettuce, next to two cat dishes with dry kibble. For all of the little fatsos. Then there were two massive metal dog bowls filled with kibble, Sugar Puffs, and bacon, plus a smaller one that held canned dog food and a marshmallow. A single marshmallow, because Cloud needed it to grow into the big, fluffy, white monster he was destined to become.

Jelly's dish held tuna, even though Lauren couldn't stand the smell. It was also placed a little bit further away from the others, to give the half-blind cat some extra security. Lauren felt she would appreciate it.

Lauren placed all the bowls on the kitchen floor, shoving the dogs apart to prevent them from delving into each other's breakfasts. She moved quickly through the chaos, accidentally tipping over the water bowl in her path, and waited until the animals were settled and wolfing down their food before moving back to the bedroom.

She had only made it to the hallway when she heard the tell-tale clattering of giant empty dog bowls. She smiled. Barnaby and Cornelius would spend the rest of the morning scouring the kitchen for any crumbs they might have missed.

Lauren loved waking up before Camila. She liked to lie next to her and watch her breathe and dream, and she'd thank God or whoever was listening that she'd been given this perfect little person. All to herself. This woman cuddled up under the covers in one of Lauren's shirts, because the AC wouldn't turn off, drooling onto Lauren's Dalmatian pillow and hugging Pooh Bear tightly.

Then Lauren would poke or tickle Camila to see how much it would take to wake her up. She found Camila's grumpy morning antics hilarious. And she knew the perfect cure for them.

Lauren crept back under the covers quietly, and scooted right up on her side so she was facing Camila. She reached up and brushed dark hair away from where it was tickling Camila's nose, and then tapped Camila's fingers lightly, smiling when her girlfriend hugged the stuffed bear tighter.

"Caaaaaaamila." Lauren called, just under her breath.

Camila made some kind of noise, and Lauren reached under the blanket so she could run her hand along Camila's side.

"Little bear. Baby. Sugar pie. Honey. Sweetheart. Darling. Love of my life." Lauren whispered right against Camila's cheek, and then leaned forward an inch to press her lips to it.

Camila made another noise and scrunched up her face. Lauren was delighted. That was her favorite expression. Plus Camila's quiet smile. And her laughing smile. And all her smiles and all her faces. Lauren ran her hand under Camila's shirt and along her warm abdomen.

"Mmm, Lauren. Your hand's cold." Camila mumbled into the pillow. Lauren watched her with a small smile. She grinned brighter when Camila finally registered that her face was in a pool of drool and lifted it off of Lauren's pillow with an expression of disgust.

"Sorry." She said quietly, putting her head on Pooh instead.

Lauren shook her head with a smile. "Every night. I'm used to it."
Camila palmed Lauren's face like she was trying to make her be quiet. It would not work. Lauren could not be tamed. But she'd let Camila live in denial about her drool habits if it made her feel better.

Camila smiled suddenly and tapped Lauren's nose. Lauren knew she was fully awake. If she wasn't, Lauren would've been poked in the eyeball.

"Today's the barbecue." Camila stated enthusiastically.

Just off the key of reason / Camren VersionWhere stories live. Discover now