Chapter 26: I'll Search if You Can't See It

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Camila woke up on Saturday morning feeling like she was in a furnace. She blinked against the sunlight and realized that her dogs were barking, and that she was seconds from bursting into flames.

The city right now was a hot, muggy mess, the apartment was like an oven, and Camila had something radiating heat plastered to her back. Engulfing her. She twisted her head to check it out.

Lauren, of course.

Sleeping peacefully with a bright red face and all four limbs wrapped around Camila.

Completely naked.

That's why all the animals were locked out of the room. It took Camila a second to realize. She seemed to be having trouble making her mind work properly. She felt oxygen deprived. She was sweating. And oh my God, why did they have the three loudest dogs in the world?

Camila lay in her pit of fire for another minute before realizing that it was probably Dinah and Ariana at the door, here to give Camila and Lauren their cooking lesson.

Because two people in the kitchen wasn't enough to properly burn the building down. No, all they could do was catch a roll of paper towels on fire, which Lauren accomplished last night. Trying to boil water for hot cocoa. In their sweltering apartment.

Camila grabbed her phone off the side table and texted Dinah to "hold the fuck on."

Camila's eyes were blurring. She shifted a little and Lauren actually slid against her back they were so damn sweaty. Camila would normally think that was hot, except she was literally too fucking hot and she felt like a volcano was erupting inside her body.

And not in the good way. If there was a good way to feel like that.

"Laureeeeen." She whined quietly, twisting her head so she could see her girlfriend's flushed face. Camila knew Lauren could sleep through anything. Except something scary like the pipes groaning. She tried to peel Lauren's arms from her stomach and disentangle their legs, but Lauren squeezed tighter.

"Lauren, it's too hot." Camila whispered, squirming to free herself from this octopus trap. She groaned when she was unsuccessful. She twisted again to face Lauren, whose eyes had flickered open, but shut as soon as Camila saw them.

Camila snorted, half expecting flames to come out of her nose. Nope. Only snot. A melting pot of snot. Camila was glad Lauren's eyes were closed so she didn't have to witness that. This whole situation was getting a little gross.

"Lauren, Di and Ari are here. Get up."

Lauren stayed completely still. Camila rolled her eyes and started shifting her body back and forth to loosen Lauren's hold. The bed started rocking, and Camila remembered where Lauren's legs were, and stopped abruptly. That's not what she wanted. Right now.

"I know you're awake, Lauren." Camila stated, staring at her bedroom door. If the dogs didn't shut up soon they'd be evicted.

Lauren was silent. Camila reached back and palmed her face, smiling when she received a whine and a grumpy groan.

Lauren's face was on fire. They were both just going down in flames.

"You poked me in the eyeball." Lauren grumbled sleepily, burying her face in Camila's hair and discreetly moving her hands up from Camila's stomach to her breasts.

"No I didn't." Camila said with a smile, grabbing the hands and rolling over to face Lauren in the loosened hold. She tickled along Lauren's belly and stared into bright green eyes.

They were brighter than normal. Lauren was probably suffering from heat stroke.

Camila felt like she'd succumbed to it about ten minutes ago.

Just off the key of reason / Camren VersionWhere stories live. Discover now