Chapter 27: She's Like the Wind

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The second time Camila experienced one of Lauren's  panic attacks, they were in the same building. The same room, which happened to be a huge studio apartment being shown to them by a realtor. Lauren had been antsy and agitated all morning. Camila thought she was just grumpy because she had to get up early and only had a banana for breakfast.

A banana. It was crazy. Cornelius had eaten all the Sugar Puffs.

Lauren had even seemed better half an hour ago, sliding around the waxy wood floors of the studio in her scuffed up shoes.

But then they started talking with the realtor about payments and moving days and building rules, and Lauren started rocking on her heels. It was when they began discussing neighbors and bus routes that Camila realized Lauren was breathing more rapidly.

Excitement or panic? She wasn't sure at first. She turned to check on Lauren's face, and did a double take.

Her eyes were squeezed shut, and the realtor trailed off with whatever she was saying about building policies, looking at Camila questioningly. Camila grabbed Lauren's hand.

"Lauren." She whispered, stepping halfway in front of her girlfriend. Lauren exhaled sharply through her nose.

Camila turned back to the realtor. "Could you give us a minute, please?" she asked quietly. The woman nodded quickly and hurried back out the front door. Because there were no walls in this damn apartment.

No segmentation at all. It was kind of cool, because no murderers would be able to sneak up on them. They wouldn't find themselves in any When a Stranger Calls situations. Well, they might, but they'd be able to see the stranger.

But they wouldn't be able to play hide and seek.

So, it was probably a no.

Lauren started backing away. Where she was going, Camila didn't know, but she was about to fall on her ass, so Camila held her hand tighter. If Lauren went down, Camila was going with her.

"Mmm, no." Lauren whined, prying her hand out of Camila's grasp and shaking her head around.

"Okay, okay." Camila said softly, watching Lauren carefully. Lauren backed up until she hit a wall, and then sat down and crossed her legs, hunching over and pressing her face against her knee. She had her hands over her ears again.

Camila stepped forward carefully and lowered herself in front of Lauren, sitting exactly the same way. Lauren was crying quietly. Camila felt that vice grip on her heart come back.

God. Where did this even come from? Was it the hide and seek thing? Because Camila would live in a maze if it meant Lauren could play her games.

Lauren's wheezing started to increase, and Camila did exactly what she'd done the first time at the animal rescue. She put one hand on the top of Lauren's head, and used the other to pull Lauren's hand off her ear.

"Lauren." She said softly, hunching over so her face was right in front of Lauren's. Lauren didn't respond. "Honey, can you look at me, please?"

Lauren whined again and shuffled to the side, shaking Camila's hand off her head.

Camila followed.

"Big bear, let me see those eyes." Camila pleaded quietly, watching the tearstain on Lauren's knee grow. Lauren started coughing into her jeans and Camila shifted even closer, so their knees were overlapping.

"Lauren, you need to sit up. You can't breathe like that, honey." Camila coaxed, trying to gently push Lauren upright by her shoulder.

Lauren complied, and then tried to turn and face the wall. Camila grabbed her knees.

Just off the key of reason / Camren VersionWhere stories live. Discover now