Chapter 12: What You Said is Ringing, Ringing Faster

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Camila's feet were killing her. She hadn't known it was possible to do so much walking in a seven acre zoo. Well, now it wasn't so much walking as drunken-like, stilted toddling in boots that were making her feet bleed. Lauren kept leading her around though, to the penguins and the snow leopard, so Camila kept a genuine smile on her face and a hand clasped around her girlfriend's. She'd walk until her legs fucking gave out. It really seemed inevitable at this point.

The sun was setting as Lauren finally turned to her outside the red panda enclosure and asked if she was ready to go. Camila tried not to leap at the opportunity, and shifted around in her boots a little before realizing that, holy mother of God, that was the most painful thing she's ever experienced.

"I'm ready if you are." She replied weakly, smiling up at Lauren. Lauren nodded, and Camila bought her a stuffed polar bear, which they named Puffin, on the way out.

"Are you okay, Camila ?" Lauren asked, looking down at her as they began their walk home.

Definitely not.

Camila realized she was swerving around like a drunken fool in her boots, and Lauren steadied her with an arm around the shoulders.

"My feet hurt." Camila admitted. That was an understatement. She really had to stop walking; this was just not working. Boots weren't supposed to make your toes feel like they were broken.

"Do you want a piggy-back?" Lauren asked concernedly and completely seriously, already bending over a little so that Camila could climb onto her back. Camila laughed and turned her back around.

"No, no, honey. Just-let me take my shoes off." Camila said. She bent down, holding onto Lauren's shoulder for support, and oh God, finally her feet were free. Free at last. It was was like being born. Rebirth. Just amazing.

Camila sighed in relief and started walking along the sidewalk in her wooly socks. Her wooly yellow socks with sheep on them. She smiled at the people walking in the opposite direction, like 'yeah, you wish you had these socks.' Lauren followed, watching her feet carefully.

"Is that better?" Lauren queried. "Should I get a cab?"

Camila took Lauren's hand and swung it between them happily. "So much better." She assured.

Lauren nodded and bit her lip. "Let's play a game." She said after walking a few blocks.

Camila looked up at her and raised her eyebrows. She was starting to realize that walking this far would actually ruin her wonderful socks.

Lauren glanced around them as they walked, and then down at the sidewalk.

"Okay, the sidewalk and the road are lava. You have to stay on the curb and the white crosswalk stripes to stay alive."

Oh, shit. Challenge accepted. Camila Cabello would not succumb to lava. She immediately started balancing along the curb. Quinn seemed surprised that she had gone along with it, but grinned excitedly and hopped in front of Camila . Camila grabbed the back of her coat belt for balance, and smiled to herself as Lauren reached back absently to offer a hand instead.

Camila only let go when her phone buzzed, and she answered it as she skipped across the white stripes on the road behind Lauren.

Harry: Are you coming home soon? I think we're early. And I don't think Dinah actually knows how to make this cake. Is Lauren having fun? Will you come and rescue me from these people please?

Dinah: CABELLO YOUR FUCKING DOG IS FUCKING INSANE. And how do you preheat your oven?

Ariana: Camila, Toulouse attacked your puppy and now he won't come out from under your bed.

Just off the key of reason / Camren VersionWhere stories live. Discover now