Chapter 8: Touch, Sight, Taste like Fire

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Camila was startled by a knock on her door Saturday afternoon. She patted her hair down and smoothed her hands over her dark jeans, which she had chosen because she refused to allow Siri to trick her into dressing for warmer weather, and pulled her bedroom door open.

Lauren stood there, already in her coat, biting her lip and holding up some flowers. Some of the most colorful flowers Camila had ever seen. Really, it was like a jungle. A tropical wonderland in Lauren's hand.

"Hi." Lauren said. "I got you these. Um, Barnes ate a few so...I don't know, I hope he's okay."

Of course he did.

Camila smiled and took the flowers. "They're gorgeous Lauren."

"You're gorgeous." Lauren blurted, then shook her hair around and flushed. "I mean you look gorgeous."

"Thank you, big bear." Camila said with a small smile. She tapped one of the buttons on Lauren's coat. "You look lovely as well; you must have brushed your hair."

Lauren caught the glint in her eye and shoved her lightly in the shoulder. Camila laughed. She really couldn't talk, seeing as she'd spent four hours getting ready herself.

"Shall we?" Lauren asked hesitantly, holding her arm out for Camila to grab. Camila nodded happily and took hold, and they deposited the flowers in a vase in the kitchen before heading outside. Lauren was wearing a mysterious backpack and Camila found herself dying of curiosity. What was in there? Weapons? Animals? Because those were the items most likely to be brought along for a date.
Lauren refused to tell her where they were going, no matter how much Camila whined and pouted. Camila was surprised. People usually found it impossible to say no to her.

Lauren seemed to be doing just fine, dragging her along the streets of Manhattan.

Suddenly Lauren stopped. She turned to face Camila nervously. "I forgot to ask, are you okay with taking the subway? I mean, I could pay for a cab, but that's-"

Camila cut her off with a nod, and then raised her eyebrows. "Why would I be averse to taking the subway? It's a classic element of New York life, Lauren ." Camila had taken the subway many times before. She finally stopped getting lost on it a few months ago.

Lauren shrugged and kept walking.

"I kind of hate it. There are just so many people." Camila watched her as they walked.

"But, it'll get us there, and the destination is the, um, important part."

Camila grinned. "Absolutely! Now, this destination you speak of..." she looked up at the brunette expectantly. Lauren rolled her eyes and Camila squeezed her arm tighter.

They took the subway to Brooklyn, and by the time they got off, Camila was a pure ball of childish anticipation. She was bouncing on her feet and hanging off Lauren's arm, while Lauren just strode along quietly with a small smile on her face, fiddling with the mitten on her free hand.

Camila froze when she realized where they were headed. Lauren was jerked back by her arm and looked down at her worriedly.

"Are you okay?"

"You're taking me to Coney Island." Camila stated, looking into wide, green eyes.

Lauren's expression relaxed a little. "Yeah." she warily. "Um, is that-is there something wrong with that?"

Camila shook her head hurriedly and squeezed Lauren's arm tighter. "No! No, of course not. It's like-it's a classic New York date. It's perfect."

Just off the key of reason / Camren VersionWhere stories live. Discover now