Chapter 2: One Foot in Your Bedroom

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When Camila woke up, before the crack of dawn, she got ready quietly and in a sleep hazy blur, and grabbed coffee and a banana from the kitchen before heading out the door. Rehearsals went smoothly, despite the increasing bossiness that seemed to overtake her body when she was tired, and she definitely thought they were ready for opening night.

They got off early evening and Camila got a smoothie from her favorite place before heading home. She thought about texting Lauren to see if she wanted one, but realized she didn't yet have the woman's number. So, being the awesome and generous person she was, she got Lauren one anyway.

Camila walked through the door, not really knowing whether to expect Lauren to be home or not. She went through the entryway and into the living room and smiled when she caught sight of Lauren curled up in a ball, fast asleep on the couch. She put the smoothie in the fridge and pulled out some stuff to put a salad together for dinner. Barnaby came trotting happily into the kitchen, and then a mussed up brown head appeared in Camila's line of sight, with a small smile on its face.

"Hey." Lauren greeted, voice laced with sleep. "How were rehearsals?"

Camila waved her salad tongs around enthusiastically.

"Hey! They were wonderful! We're so ready to open, Lauren , it's going to be amazing."

"It sounds like fun." Lauren remarked, leaning onto the breakfast bar and shaking her head around to settle her hair.

Camila was amused. "So much fun. You'll probably meet my cast sometime; they're just... fantastic." She enthused. "Oh! I got you a strawberry smoothie! It's in the fridge if you want it."

Camila didn't bother waiting for Lauren to answer. She just swept over to the fridge and pulled it out and handed it to her.

Lauren smiled. "Thanks."

Camila studied her and calmed herself down a little. "So, tired huh? Couldn't go back to sleep?"

Lauren sipped her drink. "Mm, no. I...It's going to take some getting used to." She said quietly.

"Well, you should get an early night. I don't have work tomorrow, so maybe we can do something? Are you from-have you seen the city yet?"

Lauren nodded. "Yeah, I've lived here for...a while."

Camila waited to see if she would say more. She didn't elaborate. "Okay. Maybe we could hang out in Central Park, you know, get lunch or something? I have some friends coming over in the morning, so it would have to be after that."

"I-yeah, okay."

Camila raised her eyebrows. "Well, Lauren , try to contain your excitement, please."

Lauren flushed. "No...really, that sounds fun. I'm just not used to...people. Like, hanging out with people. People wanting to hang out with me."

Camila thought for a moment. "We'll bring Barnes. He likes to chase...well, everything I guess. He actually goes a little psychotic..." Camila narrowed her eyes.

"You know, actually, maybe we shouldn't bring him."

"Aww, no, he'll behave." Lauren said, smiling down at the dog lying against the dishwasher. "Won't you Barnesy."

Camila scoffed. "Psshht, of course he'll behave for you. He thinks you're his lord or something. A goddess."

Camila squatted down next to Barnaby and held his head with both her hands, looking straight into his happy brown eyes. "Look, B, I know she looks like an angel, and I can see why you're enamored with her," Camila looked up to a crimson Lauren and gave her a wink, "but you're supposed to love me more. Okay? Good boy."

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