I'm sorry. Yesterday was a bad day for me.
Anyways, how is you?
I is okay, I suppose...
Oh! Comment
if you read the mpreg bc you'll probly get a dedication for being awesome and if you read this your awesome too so.
Really I just want to know who's reading
Who wants a Larry stripper story? First chapter will be up sooooon.
Louis picked at his cheeseburger, eyeing it with malice.
"Eat it," Harry begged, placing his hand on Louis's thigh.
"I don't have an eating problem," Louis snapped, pushing Harry's comforting hand away.
Louis didn't deserve comfort. He let himself get like this.
"Louis... Princess, please. Please eat something," Harry begged and Louis fell apart, bursting into tears.
"No, baby, don't... Don't cry! I just want you to be okay. Why won't you do that for me?" Harry yelled, standing up and- oh, he looked mad.
Louis was still crying and Harry was seething and the two boys stared at each other until Harry took his jacket and disappeared and Louis was left alone with a growling stomach, a fatty cheeseburger, and enough tears to form a river.
Great. Now his stomach was empty for two reasons.
Harry tapped his foot while waiting for the elevator. Finally it opened and Harry went to step in but... "Ed?"
The red-haired man grinned and Harry just stood there, feeling a little torn between crying about Louis, crying about Ed, crying about his mom- so he just cried. Cried about his life.
Liam's legs were tangled with Zayn's as they laid in the older's bed, flipping through channels.
Liam's hand was absently running through Zayn's hair like it had a mind of it's own. Zayn's soft snores filled the room until Liam's phone buzzed with a message. He quietly reached past Zayn and grabbed the device.
Liam denied the all and pulled up his messages, shooting one to Ed.
Can't answer right now, what's up? -Liam-
Liam's brown eyes flickered to Zayn's sleeping face.
He was so pretty.
Long eyelashes brushed his high cheekbones. His olive skin was a bit flushed, but it brought out how dark his hair was. Slightly muscular arms gripped around Liam's stomach, but Liam didn't mind that the older boy was smaller.
Look at Louis and Harry. Louis was practically a girl compared to Harry.
Liam's thoughts were cut off by Ed's reply.
I'm at Niall's... Harry needs you. xEd
Harry needs Liam? Ed was here in Manchester? What?
What's going on? I can't come, Harry knows that.
-Liam-I thought he was just saying that... Where are you? Can we come there? xEd
Sorry, mate... I can't come unless it's an emergency.... Like before. -Liam-
Liam's heart skipped a beat as he thought of Harry, pale and strapped into a hospital bed and his breathing starting acting up a little because he loved Harry a lot. Harry was like his brother- he was his true best friend.
No, Li, it's not like that. He's just a wreck and won't tell us why. Says it's not out business. You can talk him out of anything. xEd
Let him be! If he doesn't want to tell you, don't worry about it. I gtg. -Liam-
Liam should've known. Harry wasn't hurting (or dying), Ed just needed Liam for his own use.
Zayn shuffled around and Liam's breath caught once again, but for a different reason. Liam's cloudy eyes were a brilliant mix of amber and emerald and they were gorgeous.
"Mhh? You okay? You're tense," Zayn mumbled sleeping, letting a yawn escape his lips as he stretched.
"Fine, love. Just some complications, is all," Liam assured his (friend?) (mate?) (boyfriend...?), ah screw it, Liam assured Zayn.
"Well, I'm here if you wanna talk," Zayn whispered shyly, smiling up at Liam.
"Why are you being nice?"
"I just... I like you a lot," Zayn replied, suddenly turning serious.
"And I was an arse," he added carelessly.
Liam just kissed him again because that's what you do when a perfect guy admits he likes you.
Harry crawled into his bed, listening carefully to Louis's snores. He didn't want to wake the lad.
He managed to fall asleep but it felt like minutes later when he was awoken by a shout and a sob. Harry jolted awake and sat up to see Louis on the floor, arms wrapped around himself.
"Louis?" Harry whispered carefully, crawling over to peer down at his boyfriend.
Louis's blue eyes snapped up to Harry and the younger felt himself shrink back at the harsh glare.
"What's going on?" Harry croaked, pressing his thin lips together. Louis looked thoughtful before he just broke again.
"You tell me, Styles."
"Oh, trust me, Tomlinson... I would if I could."
Okay raise your hand (comment) if you're confused....
(🙋)Lol not rly I just want you to let me know because I'm not trying to make the situation obvious. If you aren't confused, you're either
A) a genius
B) a mind reader
C) a liarQOTC:
Do you think Harry's doing the right thing by making Louis eat?
(This eating thing will be over with soon don't worry fluff will come)
Mushroom Pizza

Cockblocks and Controllers
De Todo"I'm going to fuck up your soldier, Tomlinson." "Only if you can fuck me first, Styles." [Italian translation available]