It's funny how I get more comments about the dress than the chapter ;D
Please comment on the picture above bc it's hot af okay
Okay so does anyone wanna make me a cover for the stripper story?? I'll give you a dedication and everything, please! Comment here or message me and I'll give you the details about it...
The weeks of March had drifted by and it was nearing mid-April.
Ed had been staying with Liam, who was now happily in a relationship with Zayn, who was now constantly seen with a smile on his face.
Harry and Louis were doing good as well, with Harry taking Liam's suggestion and beginning classes on computer tech. No one could deny it- Harry really was smart.
Ed and Harry had recently started writing music together and sometimes they would play at the café Ed had gained a job in.
No one knew when, exactly, but Ed had made it clear that he was going to stay in Manchester with both his old and new friends.
Niall had began dating that counter girl he'd told Louis about. Her name was Bridget and it turns out that she was friends with Lana, who had moved to a dorm room and settled in well.
As for Louis, he was eating again, slowly, but surely. At first, he had trouble. The two lads moved into a new apartment in the same building and Harry threw out all of the extra mirrors, so that there was only one in the washroom and that was it.
It was pretty much clear for all of the couples. Zayn and Liam got along well, for the most part. There was moments when Zayn became closed up, but he works through it. Liam also took the job as a boxing instructor and planned on doing that until he started touring again in August.
Niall's girlfriend usually stayed at Niall's and sometimes hung out with the group.
As for Harry and Louis, they hadn't fought at all unless it was over something small and irrelevant.
Like, currently, there were no more tea bags in the house and all Louis was doing was complaining.
"Harrrrry, please go get tea bags, please," Louis whined from his place on the couch while Harry sat at the kitchen bar, scribbling in a notebook.
"Lou, I told you, I'm doing work for class, you're going to have to do it," Harry spoke calmly, not removing his eyes from the papers.
"But, Harry, I'm comfortable."
"If you ask me, you're just lazy," Harry replied, brushing loose strands of hair from his eyes. It's grown even more now, to a ridiculous length.
"I'm not lazy," Louis snapped, tapping the green button on his remote. "I just don't feel like going out and getting tea bags."
Harry closed his eyes and tapped his pencil against the paper. He usually gave in to Louis's requests, but Harry had just gotten over strep and was behind in class.
"Lou, baby, I need you to either go get then yourself or simply wait another hour and I'll go when I'm done."
Louis pouted and finally turned off the game enforce getting up and pulling on his TOMs in defeat.
"Fine, I'll go!" He grumbled, grabbing his car keys from the bowl on the counter, where they kept things such as keys, bills, gum packs, and things like that.
"Wait. You can't go like that,"
Harry hissed, looking up at his boyfriend, who smirked.Louis was wearing Harry's large grey sweater with galaxy-printed leggings and he looked a bit like a girl, but that's certainly not why Harry wouldn't let him out.
"Why not?" Louis asked innocently, jutting out a hip and placing his hand on it. Harry blinked before tossing his pencil down and getting up, angrily grabbing Louis's wrist and pulling him to the hallway.
"What are we doing?" Louis giggled, dropping his keys.
"You are going to change and we're going to get your bloody tea bags and then, when we get back, I'm going to make your tea before fucking you against the counter," Harry explained and let out a surprised squeak as Harry shoved him into the bedroom.
Louis was a little impatient.
Harry was looking along the isle, trying to find a snack that he needed so much, but, in reality, he was just teasing Louis by taking for-fucking-ever.
"Harry, why don't you just get those little brownies, you like those!" Louis whined, tapping his fingers against the bar of the cart.
"If you do not quit, I'll take you into the washroom and bang you nice and hard, to where you're screaming and everyone can here how much of a slut you are for me," Harry warned, not stopping his search, but smirking a little.
Louis blushed and shifted on his feet- this was not the place to get hard. There were children here.
"Oh! I will get these brownies!" Harry decided, placing the box in the cart. Louis smiled brightly and began to push it towards the cash register.
It wasn't unexpected that Louis ended up on the counter, naked, with Harry in front of him, kissing his neck with his lined fingers in Louis's bum.
It wasn't long before Louis was being pushed into and, although it was an odd fucking angle, Louis and Harry had gotten a kink for weird placed in the apartment. They'd even fucked in Zayn's art room one time.
Niall liked to call them rabbits.
Harry's fingers tightened around Louis's hips as he pushed in. His mid-thighs were pressing into the side of the counter, but Harry's height was an advantage.
One of Louis's hands were curled around the edge of the sink while the other was dripping the side of a cabinet.
Louis's back arched as Harry continuously pushed into him, making Louis whimper.
With a whine, Louis came, untouched, and Harry wasn't far behind him.
Panting and a little sweaty, the lads kissed.
"I'm sorry that I complained about tea bags, Styles."
"It's okay, Tomlinson, I'm sorry I didn't have you enough attention."
This was usually how those small fights ended.
Dude I loved this chapter!!! I don't know why, I just liked it lol
Are you ready for Ziam smut? I've never written it, so how far should I take it?
*hides behind porn magazine*
(Aka 50 Shades of Gray)
Have you read 50 shades of gray or seen the movie? If not, why? And if so, what did you think?
Yes to both the movie and the book. I liked it okay, I suppose. It's just that I don't like reading heterosexual smut (even though I've had sex with a guy. Lol. Not.).

Cockblocks and Controllers
Random"I'm going to fuck up your soldier, Tomlinson." "Only if you can fuck me first, Styles." [Italian translation available]