Harry grumbled as we woke up, not wanting to go to work. He didn't like working at the frozen yogurt place, Thirty Below, because all of the customers were either messy children with snobby parents or fifteen year old girls who liked to drool over him. The only perk was that Louis had recently started working in the same plaza, at the movie theaters down the block. He served snacks to everyone and although it sounded like an utterly boring thing to do all day, Louis got free movie tickets whenever he wanted. He was only supposed to get half off, but Louis Tomlinson was a charmer.Sleepily, he removed himself from the bed and trudged to the shower. After washing off, he change into a bright green tee- a requirement for work, dark skinnies, and his brown lace-up boots. He tied his hair into a ponytail and trudged towards the door.
Louis had stayed cocooned in bed the whole time, but now he whimpered, rolling to face the door. "Harry?"
Harry's heart hammered in his chest as he turned to see Louis, blinking like a sleepy kitten.
"Babe, you have another few hours, go to sleep," Harry spoke quietly, moving forward and kneeling in front of Louis.
"I want you to stay with me," Louis said hoarsely, offering a soft smile.
"I can't. I have work, I'm opening the shop. I'll see you tonight? Staying with me again?"
Louis nodded and cuddled back into the blankets. Harry blinked, having an urge to kiss him. So, he did. He leaned forward and pecked Louis's forehead.
Louis's eyes widened. "What was that for?"
"Dunno. You look like a kitten," Harry replied, blushing.
"And you like to kiss kittens?"
Harry got to his feet, wanting to cry. Great. He made a complete fool of himself. "Yeah, I'm silly. Sorry."
With that, Harry offered a tight smile and left.
Don't worry about coming. I made plans with Niall that I had forgotten about. xHarry
Louis frowned at the message, his eyebrows knitting together in worry.
Plans? -Lou
He stuck his phone in his pocket and continued out the door of the movie theaters. It wasn't too busy of a day. He trudged towards the pizza parlor, craving a slice and to play in the arcade. His phone vibrated and he pulled it out again.
Sorry. I'll see you tomorrow. xHarry
Louis gulped and stopped in his tracks. Harry had always canceled his plans for Louis- no matter what.
This isn't a 'I hate you day', is it?
-LouSure, the two occasionally argued, but it was always over pointless stuff and they never avoided each other over it.
No, Louis, I just have fucking plans, okay? You aren't my boyfriend, let me be. xHarry
Louis turned towards his car and stumbled towards it. Why was Harry being like this?
In a few quick seconds, Louis dialed up his only friend- Zayn Malik.
It was a wonder how Zayn put up with Louis. Zayn was quiet and content and chill while Louis was bubbly and sassy and bouncy.
But they made a good team. Zayn didn't like video games, but Louis didn't mind sitting at Zayn's for a bit without thumbing his way on a controller.
"Hungry?" Zayn asked, picking up the Chinese menu he kept handy on the table.
"No," Louis said softly, shaking his head.
Zayn ordered Louis's usual anyways, along with some teriyaki chicken and rice for himself. Zayn fetched two beers from the fridge, knowing this would be a long night.
Louis loved to talk about his problems. He liked attention.
"What's up, then?" Zayn asked, popping open his beer.
"Well... Harry ditched me this afternoon." Louis blushed at how stupid that sounded.
"I mean... It's just a lot to take in. I'm so used to being with him all of the time. We went, like, almost a week without seeing each other! I stay one day and then he's saying he forgot about his plans. He's always canceled plans for me!"
Zayn sighed and placed his drink down before lighting a cigarette. "Lou, you sound like a psycho girlfriend, mate," the raven-haired lad said honestly, placing a warm hand on Louis's shoulder.
"No! Harry and I have always been like this," Louis insisted.
"I know. You've been ditching me for almost four months. I've never even met the bloke but he's met your roommate and you've met his best mate."
"Technically," Louis interjected, sighing, "I haven't met his best mate. The lad is a boxer, he's off doing matches in Australia, the lucky bloke."
Zayn shrugged and got up because the doorbell had just rang. He carried the food back into the living room and dropped the conversation because Louis looked ready to cry.
Louis wanted to agree with Zayn, say he was overreacting, but his stomach clenched when he read over his text messages from earlier.
See ya later then, Styles.
-LouGotcha, Tomlinson. xHarry
What's up with harrrrrrreh?! Is Louis overreacting?
Double update bc it's been like a week I'm sorry I've been busy af bc of my birthday and my family is religious while I'm not so I've been stuck buying presents for a family who thinks I'm a spawn of satan

Cockblocks and Controllers
Random"I'm going to fuck up your soldier, Tomlinson." "Only if you can fuck me first, Styles." [Italian translation available]