Louis let out a sigh of relief, walking into the warm water and closing his eyes. A pair of arms wrapped around his torso and Louis felt a little light-headed.
He wasn't anywhere near Doncaster- he was all the way across the world. Louis didn't have to worry.
"Relax, baby, you're tense," Harry cooed, rubbing Louis's shoulders. "We came here to relax."
Louis smile up at Harry before returning his gaze to the crystal blue water. He could see sea shells and brightly colored fish.
Louis's never been to the beach before and he rather liked it.
"What would you like to do after we swim for a bit?" Harry asked.
"Let's relax today and do something tomorrow," Louis requested, wiggling his toes into the white sand under the water.
"Of course, baby."
So, the two spent the day soaking up the sun and relaxing. Louis liked the water a lot and Harry liked to watch Louis smile and the way his eyes, which were almost the exact color of the water, light up in joy when he saw a cool fish swim by.
Many people were on the beach, mostly teenagers, but Harry understood that school must've just gotten out in the states so graduated students were coming to the tropical island to celebrate.
Harry would.
After a long day at the beach, the two bit traveled back to the hotel, hands linked together.
"You're already darker," Louis said with a giggle, pinching Harry's tanned wrist.
"So are you. You look cute," Harry said with a large smile.
"Thank you. Would you like to go to dinner?"
"Yeah, let's go change and we'll go eat."
The next morning, Harry was woken up by louis bouncing on the bed.
"Harry, Harry! Can we go scuba diving?! Some girls in the hallway were talking about it and I want to try!"
Harry moaned and clasped Louis's hips because bouncing Louis was making him hard.
"Sure, Louis, let's shower and get breakfast, then we'll find a schedule."
"Okay!" Louis cheered, running to the washroom. They showered together, but Louis was too excited to focus on Harry, and that put Harry in a grumpy mood because he was half-hard and it was early and they were in the hotel dining room, surrounded by people.
Louis was picking at his pancakes, focusing more on the fork than the food, excitement coursing through him.
"As soon as you finish, we can go," Harry stated firmly and Louis shoveled the pancake into his mouth.
After Louis used the restroom, the two went out to the dock, finding that the next scuba trip was in five minutes. Ten of them grouped together, suited up, and Louis smiled at Harry because they were about to go scuba diving.
Together, the two dived into the water, breathing through their oxygen masks. Louis's grip tightened around his underwater camera and they swam deeper down, straight above a pretty reef, full of bright and brilliant colors.
There were colorful fish swimming around and Louis even caught sight of a rather small sea turtle, swimming slowly towards the drop-off that led into the actual ocean.
The two took pictures and watched all of the amazing sea life and Louis never felt more content.
"Long day we've had," Harry muttered as he climbed into the bed after a long and hot shower.
The two had gone scuba diving, took a submarine to go whale-watching, and went and saw a 3-D movie about sea turtles that was rather cute.
Louis decided that he had a new favorite animal.
Harry was more interested in the Hawaiin tiki dinner that was full of laughter, dancing, and delicious tropical foods.
Harry had wanted to do something with Louis, make love to him here in Hawaii, but tonight was not the night. He was exhausted.
"Can we have surf lessons tomorrow, Harry?" Louis begged, smiling over at his boyfriend.
"Anything for you, Tomlinson."
"Anything? I only need you, Styles, but all of this is okay, too."
I changed it up. We have two more chapters (three if I want to add Ziam into one) and the epilogue and it's over...
This was cute.
Do you see the main plot of the story? I'll reveal it in the author's note of the epilogue, but if you guess, I'll reveal it next chapter and give you a dedication.
I may have asked this but favorite animal?
Fucking penguins they're so god damn cute I swear.

Cockblocks and Controllers
Random"I'm going to fuck up your soldier, Tomlinson." "Only if you can fuck me first, Styles." [Italian translation available]