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Okay I didn't don't English homework last night so that I could write this so praise me bc English is my best and favorite subject.

Intense chapter.


Harry's eyes watered as he sat in the waiting room of the Holmes Chapel Emergency Center. His mind was blank.

He was supposed to be telling Louis why they were here. But Louis would leave. Louis would leave if he knew that Harry had crushed his mother's hopes and dreams and Louis would leave if he knew that Harry had caused all of this from one mistake.

Speaking of Louis- he was beside the younger lad, hand comfortingly placed on his boyfriend's shaking knee, trying to sooth him with sweet words.

Eventually, Louis had fallen asleep, but he was now awake again, back to thumbing along Harry's thigh and staring forward.

Gemma had gone to see their mother and she had forbid Harry to come along until he's calmed down and she's sure he won't have an anxiety attack when he sees her. He's done it before and she couldn't risk it at a time like this.

Finally, Gemma appeared. Her long hair was pulled into a ponytail and the usually stunning girl looked a little run-down.

"Ed is on his way," she announced as she squatted down in front of her brother.

"He hates me," Harry whispered, throat dry from not using his voice much.

Gemma gave him a soft smile. "Ed doesn't hate you. None of this was your fault," she whispered.

Louis frowned. Ed. Who was Ed?

"Is... Is that your brother?" Louis asked softly, not wanting to get too nosey.

Gemma seemed surprised at his question. "You... You haven't told Louis about Ed? Does the boy even know why we're here?" The girl questioned of her brother, narrowing her hazel eyes.

Harry whimpered. "He will hate me."

The one sentence caused Louis's head to spin in thought. On the contrary, Louis would actually love Harry even more if he were to let Louis in. Louis wasn't sure if he could call it love, but he didn't know what else to call the fond sensation he got around Harry. But now wasn't the time.

"I'm never going to hate you, Harry. You can tell me-"

"Ed is my... Was my best friend. Him, Liam, and I were really close. I... I did something bad to his sister... Something horrible."

"Harry! It wasn't your fault she died," Gemma hissed.

Louis gasped. "She died?!"

Harry looked close to crying again. He began to breath heavily, chest rising and falling at a rapid pace.

"I didn't mean it!" He insisted, shaking his head, eyes closed tight.

Louis was panicking on the inside. What was happening to his Harry?

But Gemma seemed calm. She moved her hands to grip Harry's wrists and remove them from his tight grip on his thighs. Louis's hand was still hovering near- just in case.

"Harry Edward, you listen to me right this second. We are in a hospital waiting room. You are causing attention and I'm not going to put up with it. You are going to come see Mum, you are going to tell her you love her, and you are going to talk to Ed when he gets here because he misses you. He loves you, Harry. He is your best mate."

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