Harry woke up to the sound of a pounding door. The pounding of the door mixed with the pounding of his head was not a good combination.Harry removed himself from the bed and went to open his bedroom door. Louis was there, placing one of the spare house keys Harry had back into his wallet.
When Louis looked up, he jumped into Harry's grasp, even though the younger boy was naked.
"Five days is so long," Louis whined, tightening his koala grip.
Harry grabbed Louis under his thighs to keep him steady and placed a kiss on the bloke's forehead.
"You look pretty," Harry complimented, rubbing Louis's thighs soothingly.
"Shut up!" Louis whined again, wiggling in Harry's grasp.
Harry knew the kindness wouldn't last long. The two often teased and playfully argued. They couldn't stay serious for long, which was a good thing at this moment because Harry was becoming hard with Louis rubbing against him like he was.
"Get down, Lou. I'll go grab something to eat from Niall's."
"Bring some Oreos!"
"I know, Princess," Harry teased.
He went back into his room and pulled on some sweats. Louis watched the whole time, but who could blame him? Harry was fit for a gamer, still going to the gym. He loved to run and did it every other day during the summer.
The younger grabbed the spare house key to Niall's and marched over to his neighbor's, going in and taking eggs.
He could go shopping this afternoon since the snow was up. He grabbed some Oreos as well and left, knowing Niall was probably asleep in his room.
It was like this all of the time. Harry had a spare key for Niall's, Niall and Louis both had a spare key for Harry's, and Harry had a spare key for Louis's. Rarely did Louis and Harry stay at Louis's, though, because Louis had a roommate who was a girl and Harry didn't want to deal with that.
Her name was Lana and she was very pretty. She had dark hair, caramel skin, and green eyes. She was from Hawaii, all the way in America, and Louis had met her in the streets last winter. She had been freezing and homeless, so Louis got her a job with him and they rented a bigger flat. She had no problem with Louis's sexuality but she had spoken aloud just last month that she found Harry attractive.
Besides that fact, Harry was always alone and his flat was comfortable.
Harry went back home and began to fry the eggs the way Louis liked while the older made a kettle of tea and a pot of coffee. He fixed himself a cuppa of tea, and made Harry's coffee.
"Need more tea bags," Louis spoke up.
"We need a lot of things," Harry corrected, looking in the cabinet for salt.
The two settled on the couch with breakfast, ate, and then turned on the video game.
"Your birthday is coming up," Louis said.
"I know."
"What would you like?"
"To give you a present."
"I don't like getting presents on my birthday," Harry mumbled.
"You could get me someone to have sex with," Louis offered.
Louis paused the game and looked over at Harry. "I am serious."
"Then we'll go to the club and I'll find you someone to have sex with, okay?" Harry snapped, leaning back on the couch. Louis blushed.
"No... Harry, I want-"
"Harry Edward, did you take my last eggs?!" Niall shouted as he stepped into the apartment.
Louis and Harry whipped around to face their angry Irish friend. "Oh... Louis? The roads must be unblocked," Niall spoke, coming over and wiggling in-between Harry and Louis, who always played video games with their knees touching.
"What's up?" Niall asked, moving to snatch an Oreo from the paper towel Harry had folded them in. Louis snatched it away from the bloke before he could eat it.
"Don't take the queen's Oreos, you peasant," Louis snapped sassily, unhooking the Oreo to two separate pieces and scraping the icing off with his perfectly white teeth.
Harry stared because wow, Louis's teeth were as white as the icing and his lips were as pink as-
"Harry!" Niall whined, latching himself onto his mate and burying his pale face in the younger's neck.
"Niall, we were busy," Harry spoke up, giving Louis a look when the older opened his wide mouth to protest at the cuddling.
Niall had always been an affectionate boy, but he had made it very clear over the years that he fancied girls. Harry told Louis not to feel threatened but it was difficult when the toddler-like boy was clinging to Harry.
"Niall, can we-"
"Yeah, I'll just watch. Let me get my pillow!"
With that, Niall left to go grab his favorite pillow.
"I'm going to kill him, Styles."
"Let's not get violent, Tomlinson, he's just Niall."
Niall is so so cute I'm just so happy thinking about Niall not getting the hint when Louis tries to warn Niall subtly that him and Harry were talking about something important like I literally see Niall just ignoring him and cuddling Harry ugh ^.^

Cockblocks and Controllers
Random"I'm going to fuck up your soldier, Tomlinson." "Only if you can fuck me first, Styles." [Italian translation available]