I updated again wtf I have no life but I suppose it's because I got like 6 more ppl reading and that's not rly like a lot to most people but my writing is crappy so I appreciate it!
Upset did not cover how Louis felt right now. It was all so sudden, but Harry seemed to have dropped off the earth.
Okay, so maybe Louis is being dramatic. Harry has been texting him. But it's been three days and last time they went three days without seeing each other, Harry had seemed gutted.
But Harry was saying that he was busy, that he didn't have time to just hang around at the moment. He promised Louis a movie night on Friday and that they could go to the pizza parlor and arcade so Louis kept that in mind.
He currently sat in his bedroom, listening to music. His roommate wasn't home, thankfully, so was able to relax.
Normally, Louis would be playing on the X-Box but Harry was really the only person Louis truly like to play the game with. It's a little upsetting for the small lad, but Harry said his sister was visiting. Louis knew it wasn't a lie- Niall had posted a picture of the three on Instagram.
But... Why couldn't Louis meet Harry's sister? It's not like Louis is Harry's boyfriend, so it shouldn't be a big deal. She's obviously comfortable around Niall.
Louis had to admit he was a little jealous of Niall. Actually, he got jealous a lot. But Niall was friends with Harry first and so obviously they were closer.
It's just that Louis got clingy. Way clingy. And he felt like Niall got all in the way sometimes.
Why am I being so boyfriend-ish? Louis thought to himself. He didn't really think he had a crush on Harry. Well, not a huge crush, at least. In fact, Louis didn't have any idea what the problem was. He just liked being Harry's best friend. That's all. Honest.
Louis nervously tapped his foot on the ground as he leaned against his car. It was twenty minutes past three thirty. The movie started about ten minutes ago.
His phone suddenly rang and he fished it from his pocket. Harry's name and picture engulfed the screen. Louis answered immediately.
"Harry? Where are you?"
"I'm sorry, Lou, there's a traffic block, but I passed it and I'll be there in twenty. Can we do pizza and arcade first? And then catch a later filming?"
Louis mumbled a "Yeah" and hung up.
Harry was pissing him off.
Finally, Harry's car pulled into the lot. Louis watched him warily. He looked hot. That was majorly unfair.
"Hey, Lou, I'm sorry," Harry spoke, his voice deep and sincere.
"No, it's not. I've been busy lately, and it's all been so sudden. I'm really sorry, I'm just... I'm sorry." Harry pulled Louis into tight and familiar arms.
"Want to grab a bite now?" He asked, linking his fingers with Louis's and squeezing, assuring Louis that the night was in his control.
"Yeah. Let's go." They headed to the buffet pizza parlor and Harry paid for their trays.
They each piled pizza onto their plate and filled their cups with soda before grabbing a booth on the back.
They ate quickly, occasionally exchanging small smiles, before heading towards the arcade. They were there for twenty minutes, cussing each other out and playing different games. It was amusing for them, like always.
Louis smiled. Back to normal.
Harry handed Louis their soda. The older sipped from it and then placed it in the cup holder to his left. The arm was lifted between him and Harry because he somehow always fell asleep. He loved movies- his attention span was just shit.
"So... I know this is sort of last-minute," Harry spoke up as the commercials started. "But I... I was wondering if you wanted to count this, like... As a date?"
Louis widened his eyes. "A date?"
"Yeah. I mean, I know I've been busy, but I've been thinking that-"
"Harry!" The two boys jumped as a certain blonde made his way towards them. "Harry?! That's cool you're here, mate, we can all watch the movie together!" Niall cheers, sliding into the free seat beside Harry and sending Louis into a silent panic.
"What is he doing here, Styles?"
"Calm down, Tomlinson, I don't have a clue."

Cockblocks and Controllers
Random"I'm going to fuck up your soldier, Tomlinson." "Only if you can fuck me first, Styles." [Italian translation available]