A few triggering comments, just letting letting you know.
•••Louis sighed and kept his eye trained on the ceiling, hands resting on his little tummy.
He was listening to music while lying on Harry's bed, waiting for the other lad to get home from work. Due to a massive hangover, Louis called in sick, but Harry was one to keep his record clean in case he did something to majorly screw up- then he'd have an alibi.
Louis groaned and rolled over to his side, peering at Harry's closet door. Beside it was Harry's cork board, taking up a massive amount of the wall. Louis smiled fondly.
Harry and Louis had met only a few months ago, but most of the pictures on Harry's cork board were selfies of the pair. Sure, there were other stuff, like a few letters he's saved back, the very first song he'd written, his graduating diploma, pictures of him with his other friends and his family, and a few other random things- but Louis was the first thing you'd notice besides Harry himself because there were so many photos of them together.
Posters for random video games were taped onto the opposite wall and the wall that Louis could sit up and look straight head held band posters. The wall behind Louis was empty except for a piece of metal that was blended extravagantly and shaped into an 'H'.
Louis liked Harry's room. It was simple with a bed, the photos and posters, a messy desk with a laptop on it, a television and entertainment center, a standing mirror hung by the closet, a laundry basket, and his guitar.
Simple... But Harry. Harry was simple.
Louis wished he was simple.
But, no, Louis was damn complicated. He was the bad kind of messy and always out of place. He was loud and slightly annoying and bossy. And he wasn't pretty like Harry was pretty.
Or at least, there were things Louis thought in his head. He didn't think he should even be compared to Harry because the two were so different besides their liking for video games, food, and each other.
Louis removed himself from the bed and went over to the mirror. He pulled up his shirt slightly, eyes narrowing when he saw the fat that was stored there. It really was hideous.
Be gulped and laid his hand flat, trying to suck in his stomach.
You're too fat, Louis. The boy shook his head, battling his inner ego. He'd always been okay with his facial features. He was structured nicely. But his body? It was like they glued Taylor Laughter's face to Megan Trainer's curvy body and added more weight in the stomach.
Louis felt bad for even comparing himself to Megan. She was pretty.
She can make curvy work. You just make it look bad.
Louis jumped when the bedroom door opened. He pulled down his shirt to conceal his nervousness, blushing.
"What're you doing?" Niall asked, eyes focused on where Louis had pulled his shirt down. The Irish lad raised an eyebrow when Louis sent him a cold glare.
"Why are you in here?" Louis hissed, placing his hands on his hips.
"Harry is one of my best mates. I don't know why you get the way you do around me, Louis," Niall said softly, his blue eyes watering quickly.
No one ever said harsh things to Niall because he was just so sweet and adorable.
"Y-You're after Harry! I know you are because... Because who wouldn't be? And he'll notice it soon and- and he'll leave me."
Louis was surprised with how much he's said to Niall. They were good friends merely two weeks ago but they weren't 'admit your feelings' close.
But Louis was more surprised when Niall laughed.
"You... You're jealous of me?" Niall scoffed, crossing his arms.
"Don't be flattered. I'm jealous of a lot of people," Louis snapped.
"No, Louis. I mean... You are jealous of me? You're twice what I wish I could be. It's sort of ridiculous that you'd even think Harry would want anyone else," Niall spoke, smiling slightly.
He thought Louis had hated him for no reason- but Louis was jealous.
"Trust me, Louis. I don't want Harry. And even if I did, the bloke is in deep already with you. Can't keep his mouth shut about ya, the lad."
Louis couldn't help but smile shyly. "I'm... Wow, thanks, Niall."
"'Course. I have an eye on the checkout girl in Tesco, anyways," Niall added, a cheeky grin on his face.
And Louis laughed.
"What's going on?"
Louis and Niall turned towards the doorway, were Harry was hanging up his black coat. He looked utterly confused.
"Just playing a game," Louis said casually as he caught the football on screen, running it down the field before kicking it into the goal. Niall mumbled a string of profanities.
"You... You two are hanging out?" Harry asked, looking like a lost puppy.
"'Course. We've always been friends," Louis spoke, winking at Niall.
Harry blinked before nodding slowly. "Okay. I'm going to change clothes. Niall, Liam's been calling your phone. Said he's been at the pizza shop for half an hour and that you're a twat."
"Shit!" Niall cried, standing up and dropping his controller.
Louis started laughing as Niall pulled on his boating shoes and grabbed his car keys from the table.
"Bye, guys!" He yelled, leaving with his coat and shutting the door.
"What the hell was that, Tomlinson?"
"Just hanging out with a friend, Styles. Don't be jealous."
What even did I just write.
So the mood was tense for a moment.
I can give you a hint.
What Louis is going through is similar to what Niall helped Harry with. Not a weight issue, but similar.
Hope that helped.
Anyways, I decided to add Ziam bc why not
But don't worry there will probably be like one chapter that's just Ziam and it'll be short bc I'm Larry af and can't keep my attention away from my OTP for more than five paragraphs xD
I won't be able to update for a while unless I walk up my driveway bc I'm easing back home today with cap service. (I live in the woods) so please don't give up on me, I'll try to walk up the driveway frequently.
Ily :-*

Cockblocks and Controllers
Random"I'm going to fuck up your soldier, Tomlinson." "Only if you can fuck me first, Styles." [Italian translation available]