Oh my... You guys are extraordinary! Thank you so much for the support!I'm listening to Stockholm Syndrome while writing this- that song is my jam
Btw like I changed the dates bc I don't think I set any lol so
Louis and Harry met in November. And it's late January now.
Harry's hand linked with Louis's as they walked down the icy street. It was starting to snow again.
It's been on-and-off for a while but the weather man on the news said that a new storm was approaching. Harry was a little upset because it would be around his birthday, which means they would be snowed in.
But Harry was going to keep Louis with him when the snow got heavier. He had to be there for this snow-in.
Louis's roommate had called yesterday to complain that she had to pay the heating bill this month and that it was high but Louis had hardly been home, for crying out loud! So, sadly, Louis decided to go back home tonight.
That is why the two boys were spending the day together. They window-shopped for a bit (until Louis cooed over a beanie in the window display at Corbin's and Harry couldn't help but buy it for him) and then they went to the park to drink cocoa and sit on a bench.
It was empty except for a couple about the boys' age who were heading to the other side of the hill where a frozen pond lay. Harry could hear the squeals coming from the other side but he couldn't see anything. Louis had insisted they stay on this side of the hill because he didn't want people watching them.
Truthfully, Harry thought Louis just wanted to be alone with him because the older boy loved attention.
"So, Louis?" Harry started quietly, sipping from his cocoa.
"Would you like to have an actual date on Friday? I've actually changed plans... We can come here and ice skate and then go pick up a pizza before heading back to my place-"
"Oh, I don't have sex on the first date," Louis interrupted, smirking.
"Actually, you little bugger, I was going to say go back to my house and play some video games."
"Hmmm... Is that code for a blow job?"
"I wasn't planning on doing anything sexual with you that night, you wanker," Harry groaned, leaning his head back.
"I'm messing, Harry. I'd love to go on a date with you- I'm shit at skating, though."
"It's okay, baby, I was hoping you'd say that," Harry spoke cheekily, looking over at Louis and winking.
Louis giggled and pushed back Harry's long hair.
"I know, I know, I'm adorkable," Harry said with a laugh.
"Oh, kiss me, you fool."
Harry did just that, leaning forward to kiss Louis. He moved one hand to hold Louis's cheek and the other to grip his cup.
"It's so cold!" Louis whined as they entered the older's apartment lobby.
"Well, snow is frozen water."
"Shut up, Harry."
"Yes, princess."
Louis chuckled and swung their laced hands. He was honestly happy. Sure, him and Harry weren't together officially, but they'd had a nice day overall without any interruptions.
Plus, Harry- who had never even become official with his sexuality- was comfortable holding hands and kissing in public and Louis was honestly in deep.
They took the elevator up to Louis's apartment, his stay-the-night bag on his shoulder and his phone in his free hand. They arrived on Louis's floor and walked down to his room. Louis unlocked the door and entered.
He dropped his bag on the floor by the door and pulled Harry in by his collar for a kiss.
They only pecked lips a few times before Harry got annoyed and pulled Louis in closer to keep their lips pressed tight together. They moved their lips together slowly, Harry with his fingers digging into Louis's hips and Louis with his fingers tugging on Harry's hair.
"Wow, I understand why you're usually at Harry's."
The two boys jumped apart, blushing. Lana laid on the couch, her legs crossed and her hands on her bare stomach, fingers toying with her belly-button-ring.
"Well, hello, Lana," Louis said, smirking at the girl, who chuckled and focused back on the television.
"Why is she practically naked on your couch?" Harry asked quietly, raising an eyebrow.
"She does yoga every morning and afternoon," Louis explained, shrugging.
Lana wearing tight yoga pants and a sports bra was really nothing in Louis's eyes. He was gay, after all.
But Harry was not gay and he was already flustered from kissing Louis. He wasn't attracted to Lana at all, but her pants were making Harry horny because, wow, imagine them on Louis and his curvy little arse, moaning for Harry to remove them and-
"Harry? Aren't you going to kiss me goodbye?" Louis pouted, poking out his bottom lip.
"Shit," Harry mumbled, his thoughts overlapping everything as he pulled Louis in for another long kiss.
"That's enough, Jesus," Lana complained from her place on the couch. Louis snickered and moved to suck on Harry's neck, who moaned dramatically, following Louis's lead.
The television remote smacked Harry in the back. He groaned, both due to the pain in his lower back and the pleasure Louis was giving him as he bit down on Harry's lip.
"Fuck my life," Lana mumbled, removing herself completely to go to her room.
"Okay, okay, that's enough!" Harry moaned, pushing Louis gently away by his curvy hips.
"Why?" Louis pouted.
"Because I'm about to fuck you against the wall." Louis giggled and pecked Harry's lips one last time.
"I wouldn't mind that."
"Me either, gosh, but I'd be bloody pissed if Lana walked in and saw you naked." Louis rolled his eyes.
"I'm gay, Styles. Why would you even think about that? We should be more worried about her trying to get you."
"I'd just let her know she can't catch someone who's falling as hard as I am, Tomlinson."
How cute am I omg
Working on ideas for new fanfics and I just started two and deleted one so I'm trying to update when I can
The schedule most likely won't be any different I'm sort of obsessed with Cockblocks and Controllers but you know I think it's only bc I have so much good responses thank you(:

Cockblocks and Controllers
De Todo"I'm going to fuck up your soldier, Tomlinson." "Only if you can fuck me first, Styles." [Italian translation available]