Chapter 12 The Helper Encounter

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"I will miss you like hell Lei" Corey whispered in my ear as we hugged each other. A tear slipped from my eye. It was destroying me from the insides that he had just 2 months to live. I didn't know how to cope, I couldn't tell anybody.

"Don't pull that shit on me Co, and now go before I have a breakdown in front of the whole airport" I said and separated our bodies.

Before he finally disappeared in the gate, he made a one last turn and faced us with a smile. He waved us goodbye and left me with the girls alone. I dropped them off at their place and wanted to drive to mine but I didn't make it. I broke down when I was at the intersection next to Walmart so I just drove to their parking lot and stopped there.

My eyes burned while I was crying loudly and heavily into my steering wheel. The tears were dripping down on my legs. The people that were passing were staring. Some of their faces were confused and weirded out and some of them had even a sensitive expression.

I appreciated their empathy but I really didn't care who's gonna see me. The only thing that was for sure right now was that I'm gonna be even sadder in two months or more.

I was crying so intensely, my head started to pulse really bad. I of course didn't cry only because of Corey, everything was just too much. I touched the bruises on my neck while I was thinking about Jason. I knew I needed to break off the ties between us but I didn't want to.

It didn't matter how many times he hit me, I still loved him. It didn't matter how many times he let me down, I believed that he still loved me too. I was still seeing the light in him. I was still seeing the scared little boy at the party who asked me where the toilets were.

And yes, the first thing he said to me was
"Do you know where the toilets are? I'm totally lost" his nervous laugh was still stuck in my head.

I cried for almost 2 hours when a phone interrupted my misery. I pulled myself together and answered.

"Hello?" I said still wiping the tears off.
"Hi Lei I'm sorry to call you so soon after our departure but me and Matt just talked about an idea that interested us"
"Go on"

"Well, we thought about how overworked we were and that we needed some creative break and we found a fine cabin in the woods in Utah, would you care to join us? We thought about going like two weeks from now? Maybe three" that was actually a great idea, I could escape this mess for a minute.

"Oh my god of course! I'd love to go. Who else is going?"
"Well, we thought about the whole gang going because the cabin is fucking huge, but we didn't call anyone yet"

"Okay then, you can count on me"
"Great, bye for now" Sona said and hung up. I was so thrilled from this situation. Fresh air of another state was just what I needed. And to let all the drama just stay right 'ere and leave.


That phone call was just enough to make me come to my senses and drive home safely. I then did some work and soon got a text from Sona that everybody's in.

I was even more excited now that I knew I was going to stay there with my best friends. She said even Mel and Gibson were in, they haven't met the boys yet so that was going to be fun.

The next week was very plain for me. I had a lot of work and did a lot more song writing. For fun of course. Jason came home to me unexpectedly a couple of times but not drunk, just desperate. I comforted him every time. This family situation was getting tough on him. He cried in my chest every single time he visited me. He didn't beat me anymore which made me grow some hope on our relationship.

That hope came crashing down the next week though when Jason came drunk again. He was aching hard from unhealed trauma and using alcohol as a coping mechanism. I knew how it felt, when it all comes back to you and you realize you never recovered but you can't use aggression as a dealing technique.

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