Chapter 14 The Teacher Arguer

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This night was no different from my usual nights. I couldn't sleep again. I decided to go to the balcony. I quickly entitled it as my safe spot here in the cabin.

I went there with cigars and earphones again. Lately it's been a cure for everything that was going on around me. I curled up on my stool and watched the stars as the night before. I could look at them all night and not get bored of them. The sounds of Radioheads lead singer Thom Yorke rang through my ears as I was inhaling the poisonous smoke.

I wasn't alone for much longer though. I heard the door open with someone stepping in. I turned my head to see Alexanders face. I didn't want to see him, I didn't want to see anyone. But I didn't want to be rude either so I let him sit next to me.

"Want some?" I gave him a cigarette and lit it for him. The bags under his eyes were only getting darker and darker. We weren't talking. What was there to be said? That he's feeling fucking terrible? No he wouldn't say that to me. Because I didn't mean anything to him.

The words were in my head on replay and I couldn't help but feel hurt about it. I felt like he didn't trust me.

"You look sad Lei, what's up?" he asked.
"Why do you care" I shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that.
"Are you kidding me? Of course I care about you. I'm your friend Lei you can tell me anything" then he grabbed my arm and I shook it off. The move was just too quick for me.

"I'm sorry, I forgot your boyfriends a dickhead" he said. I don't care how out of place he was. You just don't say this, ever.

"Yeah and who are you to judge? In fact he's a very good boyfriend. You know nothing about our relationship" I spat at him. I started to get angrier and angrier.

"I don't know who came knocking on my door on 1 am beaten up by their own partner when they had nowhere else to go" that was enough to make my eyes all glazed up. I hated crying in front of people but when Alexander told me this it was like something clicked in me.

"I wanted to walk out on you but you didn't let me, remember? When you didn't want me there you should have just said so and this conversation would have never fucking happened!" I stood up staring at him with my eyes all red. I waited what would he tell me. He bit his bottom lip.

"I wanted you to's just" he rubbed his forehead "I don't want you to be with that arsehole Lei. It pissed me off to see you like that. In fact, when I looked at you by the fire I saw the bruises on your neck and wrists. I just.... I'm sorry I said what I said earlier....I-I just didn't think properly. And I definitely don't get how come no one noticed it except me. I- I am so sorry" he looked at me with those puppy dog eyes once again.

"Please just, just say something Lei" I was still silent. Instead I came to him and hugged him. His arms embraced me like a warm coffee in the morning. I shut my eyes and sighed in relieve. I missed his arms.

"It's okay Alexander, it was just too much when you told me that. I'm sorry I cried I- I shouldn't have done that" I said softly. He than pulled away and looked at me.

He lifted my chin up a started touching my bruises on my neck the lightest he possibly could. He lightly stroked them with his thumb. Goosebumps appeared on my body from his warm fingers.

"Does this hurt you?" he asked silently.
"Good, that means they're healing" he said while still having his eyes on my neck contemplating them.

When his hand returned to him we agreed to go to sleep. I couldn't sleep for another hour because my thoughts just couldn't shut up. I was overthinking today and everything that happened. I was thinking intensely about Alexander and what he said to me. I wondered if he was right. Then I finally closed my eyes and drifted away.

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