Chapter 32 The Anxiety Revenge

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Four weeks later:

"So please, tell me more about this anxiety that has been happening to you lately..." my client was a 20 year old who just started college. A lot of things has changed for her and that scared her so naturally things started to get worse and worse. That's why she came to me.

"It's like I suddenly can't breathe. My mind is racing but all I can think of is essentially how to hurt myself so I won't feel the fear anymore. It's like I'm stuck at this box of stress and fear and I don't know how to escape it..."

"And do you know what triggers it? Where are you usually when these things happen" this anxiety thing was entirely new. We just found out today so these basic questions were needed to get to the core.

"Well... at social gatherings usually. Like at a big party or when I'm at a huge fancy ass restaurant having a luxury dinner. The boy I was talking to took me out for one and I was so terrified I started playing with the fork and as he was talking I started to stab my hand and I freaked out and went too far. I was bleeding and he ran off because I scared him. I felt bad after the incident and he still sees me on the hallways... I'm sure he was talking with his friends about how psychopathic I was" her leg was twitching during the whole session. Now she looked like she has zoned out.

"And what do you find helpful? Or have you found something else than self harm?" I hope she did. I liked her so far.

"When I put my headphones on to maximum volume and just sink into myself... it's hard to describe it but I just fall into some sort of a hole that is in me and I just unite with it. But it's kinda hard when there's people around you" she finished and my phone subtly vibrated in my pocket. I obviously didn't take any calls during work but I just needed to look who it was.

It was Alex, he was supposed to be picking me up today but I told him not to call me because of my work. I ended the call and looked at the watch. Oh shit, how was I 10 minutes over the time this session was supposed to end already?

I wrote down one last note:
'Anxiety, probably caused by past trauma at a social event' and put down my notes and pen.

"Okay Debie, this is the end for today but we will see each other in a week again so don't worry" she put the right amount of money on my table which I took immediately and we left together.

When I escaped the building I looked at Alexander who was leaning on his car and watching us with his sunglasses on.

"I-is that Alex T-Turner? The musician?" Debie asked me looking more nervous than ever.
"And he's looking at us! Why is he looking at us? Do I look stupid? Please Leilani you would tell me the truth right? I cannot look stupid in front of my idol. I have been listening to him since I was like 12" she begged as she was fundamentally trying to fix her hair.

"Do you want to meet him? Chat for a bit?" I asked her. She just looked at me with open eyes and mouth.
"W-what? No I can't do that. He's too famous and I am too fucked to even talk"

"I won't pressure you, you know that but I know him personally so it would be a good opportunity to maybe get what you want. An autograph from him would be nice, wouldn't it?" to be completely honest, I got used to Alex being known.

I know a paparazzi photographed us once and it was printed on some shitty magazine with a title that said that Alex has moved on from his past or something like that, but we didn't care about that and we still don't. It's my last problem right now. Plus I looked hot on that picture so I don't think that could've been bad publicity.

A lot of people recognized him on the streets but we didn't go out that often because we both liked to chill at home and not do anything so it was fine by me. The only thing I knew was that a lot of girls drooled over him, such as Debie right here.

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