Chapter 1

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Songs to listen to while reading:
Heavy - Linkin Park
Are You Happy - Shy Martin

Do you ever just sit back and think about how small you are in this huge world? Like really think about it... The fact that every single person on this earth has their own life that they live, their own emotions, their own experiences. Someone might be having the best day of their life because the guy they liked told them that they love them for the first time while another person may be having the worst day of their life because their cat died. When you start thinking about these things, your problems start to feel a lot smaller. Have you ever thought about how big the galaxy is-

"Alexandria!" Mary barked at me since I was day dreaming again whilst working.

"You need to focus on your job, I don't pay you to stand there and do nothing!" Mary snapped.

"Sorry." I mumbled back.

Mary loves to yell at everyone who works at the café

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Mary loves to yell at everyone who works at the café. I on the other hand hate when people yell at me, always makes me feel like crying no matter what they were saying. Mary is the owner of the café and my boss. She's a short, middle aged lady with short blonde hair and glasses. You wouldn't think she's the devil in disguise when you first take a glance at her but once she opens her mouth, it's just downhill from there. The only reason I carry on working for her was because I was desperate for a job when I first moved to New York three years ago and haven't found anything else yet.

She's probably extra annoyed at me since today was my last day of work for the next 4 weeks. I had to work until the very last day as I need all the money I can get. People always talk about going on month long holidays and how fun it is but they never talk about how you have to save up enough money to last you through your holiday. Not everyone is rich. I wouldn't even call this a holiday, it's more of a forced break since Caleb told me it was something that I had to do to clear my head.

"You're just being annoying and getting in the way. You have an hour left of your shift but just go, I really can't deal with you right now." Mary demanded. I hate when people make me feel like I'm being annoying, Mary always makes me feel like that.

"Uhm, okay. I'll see you when I get back. Bye." I replied quickly while grabbing my bag with all my things that was under the counter. She didn't reply. I rushed out the back door, hit with the fresh April air before she could change her mind.

My mother always used to say that you shouldn't have a job that you hate and I really hate working for Mary. But I had a lot of anxiety and the thought of having to find a new job, go for an interview and have to tell Mary that I am leaving is enough to make my hands shake so I just keep putting it off.

I only live around the corner from the café so luckily it isn't a far walk for me. I reach my apartment building and enter the lobby where I greet the lady behind the reception desk by sending her a small smile. I've never spoken to her but I always smile at her because she seems nice.

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