Chapter 13

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Songs to listen to while reading:

Human – Rag'nBone Man

Let You Down – NF

I cover the back of my head with my hands, I don't know what I'm doing. That's what people do in the movies when people start shooting right? Not like the bullet wouldn't go straight through my hand and into my dumb ass brain but it's the thought that counts...

"Follow me." Harry states firmly, grabbing my arm to lift me from the ground. He analyses the room, his eyes never staying in one place for too long while he takes the gun out from the back of his trousers. Uhm, since when did this man have a gun hidden in his pants? You know what, I'm just not going to even bother questioning it anymore.

I don't understand why he has a gun though when this was supposed to just be a fancy ball. It's like I can see the thoughts flowing through Harry's head as he tries to create a plan. He then starts jogging towards the exit in which I follow close behind.

We leave the lounge area and start making our way down a corridor until we find a small bathroom that has a toilet and a large sink. Harry drags me into the bathroom and closes the door behind us, locking it and then taking the key out of the door. He puts his gun onto the counter, "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Harry yells, pulling at the roots of his hair as he begins to pace the bathroom.

He looks angry, really angry. I don't think I've ever seen him this angry, even when I hid his Cheerio's and pretended that I'd eaten them all. "Those dumb assholes!" He shouts again, slamming his hand against the sink counter, causing me to take a step back.

"What's happening?" I decide to bite the bullet and ask Harry since the gun shots are still being fired in the other room.

He starts to pace again, "Zayn and Liam set the bomb off too early and fucked up the whole plan!" Harry explains, throwing his hands in the air as he rants.

"What plan? What bomb? I don't understand." I ask Harry, as my eyes watch him pace the small bathroom as if I was watching a game of tennis. My eyes drift to the gun that is sitting on the counter every few seconds, I've never seen a gun before and it's intimidating to see one so close to me.

"We came here tonight for work, the people who are the hosts of the party are part of our rival gang, Mendacious. We were supposed to set the bomb off as a warning since they fucked with King but we were supposed to wait until they had their welcoming speech so everyone was in the same place. Liam and Zayn, the dumb fucks set the bomb off way too early and now all of Mendacious know that we're here." Harry explains, rubbing his hands over his face in frustration.

I'm not even sure how to reply to Harry so I don't, I just stay silent and watch him pace. He suddenly stops and walks up to me, holding my cheeks into his hands. "I need you to hide in this bathroom, do not let anyone in unless it's me okay? I need to go out there and find Niall and Louis. I will only be a few minutes." He instructs.

The only reply I can muster is a nod which seems good enough for him since he hands me the key, grabs his gun and leaves the bathroom. I lock the door once he has left, my back slides against the back of the door before I sit on the floor.

Harry and I were dancing. Harry kissed my neck... or did I imagine that? And then a bomb went off. And then people started shooting guns. Well I did have a bad feeling about tonight but I thought I was going to trip or spill food on my dress, not this. I don't know what I'm supposed to do in a situation like this, I know that I'm not going to leave this bathroom until Harry comes back for me. What if someone else tries to come in?

I can't believe Harry brought me here, I thought tonight was just a normal night but when is anything ever normal in my life... Oh god, what if Harry gets shot? What if he doesn't come back to find me? What will I do then? I need to calm myself down before I start having an anxiety attack.

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