Chapter 24

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Songs to listen to while reading:

I Found – Amber Run

The front door slams closed with force which echoes through the house. I can tell Harry isn't in a good mood just from the door being slammed. He's been out since this morning and it's dark out now so it must be late. I'm sitting in the kitchen drinking some green tea, I hope he goes straight to bed.

I've been avoiding Harry since Vegas...

I kind of panicked after the whole Vegas bedroom situation. I feel like things got to a point that they shouldn't have. Harry and I were way too close and then the talking about touching? I can't—I just can't. It's wrong, completely wrong. I need to start using my brain, that's all. So that's why I've been avoiding him because if I'm not around him, then there isn't any temptation. It's just Harry, I can do this, I can avoid him—

Harry walks into the kitchen, stopping in his tracks when he realises that I'm in there too. Well, I guess the universe hates me...

Harrys glances over my figure sat at the dining table briefly before walking over to the fridge and opening the freezer. I don't know whether to try and make small talk or just get up and leave to not make things awkward.

I stand up and push the chair into its place, my eyes glimpse at Harry and that's when I notice the large dark purple bruise patched across the side of his jaw. Without a second thought, my feet carry my body to stand in front of him. My eyebrows furrow as I hold his arms, focusing my gaze on Harry's face and body for any other injuries.

I'm standing close enough in front of him now that my head leans backwards due to the height difference. I move my pointer finger to rest under his chin, guiding his face softly to the side to assess his injuries more, "What happened Harry?"

He shoves my hand away from his chin, "Nothing. I'm fine." He dodges my body and walks away from me to sit at the dining table where I was sat at previously.

"Okay." I carry out the 'y' as I speak. "Do you want to talk—"

"No, that's the last thing I want to fucking do Alexa. I'm not in the mood for your shit, please just—just leave me alone!"

He's funny if he thinks I'm going to let him speak to me like this, "You aren't in the mood for my shit? Are you joking? I'm just trying to help and you're being a moody asshole!" I rush to the freezer in anger and grab a bag of frozen peas, walking over to where Harry is sat. I jump and turn my body so I am sat in front of him now, placing my legs on either side of his thighs. I bring the bag of peas up to the side of his jaw that is bruised but he only stands up fast enough that the chair flies from under him and falls onto the floor.

"I said, leave me alone Alexa!" He yells, smacking his palms onto the table on either side of my legs, leaning forward so our faces are only inches apart.


My body freezes and my breath hitches, I hate how much he can affect me so easily. He pushes off of the table to stand straight. He walks over to the kitchen island and starts opening and closing drawers frantically. "What are you looking for?" I ask him while jumping off of the table, landing on my feet with a slap.

He opens and closes cupboards and drawers between his words, "I haven't had... A cigarette... In two weeks... And I've had... A fucked up day... So I need a distraction..."

"Since when did you give up smoking?" I ask him, watching him with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Since—it doesn't matter! Just leave me alone, I need to be left alone! Everything is so loud and you're getting on my nerves!"

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