Chapter 27

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Songs to listen to while reading:

Control – Zoe Wees (Play when indicated pretty please)

I twist my body to try and lie down in a comfier position but the pain in my ribs doesn't ease. I then turn so that I am lying on my back, staring at the ceiling. I huff in annoyance over the fact that I can't sleep despite the painkillers I took before I got into bed.

I guess that's what happens when two guys from a gang beat you up... It's been a week since that night. It's been a week since I was convinced that I was going to die.

The doctor arrived at Harry's house that night, I don't know how long it took for him to arrive. I was in and out of consciousness as he checked out my injuries. Apparently, I had a small concussion and bruised ribs on either side of my body. I also had to get stitches on my cheekbone, there were also bruises across the side of my jaw and my cheek on the other side of my face. Oh, and I also have a black eye... I think that was everything. Got to love when you lose track of your injuries.

The bruising on my face is a lot better, they are turning a yellow and brown colour now compared to the purple colour they were a few days ago. My ribs still hurt massively, hence the fact that I can't sleep.

Harry has been very clingy for the past week. He literally will not leave me alone in any room in the house, even started waiting outside the bathroom like a creep. He says it's 'in case I need help' but I really like peeing in peace so I managed to stop him from doing that after some convincing. He's been making sure I eat three meals a day, not sure whether he's gotten really good at cooking or if he's just been getting loads of takeaways. We both still sleep in our separate beds, I got the feeling that he was too nervous to ask me to sleep in his bed and it's not like I am going to ask him, so we are sleeping in our own beds.

It's been a lot to process what happened. But like all of my trauma, I decide to not think about it. Just bury it deep down and add it into the piles of trauma that are stored deep in my consciousness like old books in a book store that have layers of dust on.

I decide to go down stairs and make some green tea, sleep will not be gifted to me tonight. I groan as I sit up from the bed, holding my ribs gently while cringing at the sharp pain from just sitting up.

I walk down the stairs at a slow pace, taking slow breaths so that I don't add to the pain in my ribs. My eyes fall to the new huge screen that is placed on the wall outside of the kitchen that displays the camera footage of each room in the house and the outside vicinity of the house. Harry made sure that cameras were installed after what happened, even getting Louis and Niall to install cameras in their own houses. No one but Harry, Louis, Niall and I know about the cameras since Harry is doing an investigation into the members of the gang. He wouldn't tell me why he was doing that but I know it had to do with something that one of those intruders had told him.

My eyes scan over the cameras until I notice a movement in the camera in the bottom left of the screen. It's the camera showing the indoor swimming pool, I notice Harry floating on his back with his arms swaying by his sides.

I decide to go and see why he's swimming at two in the morning and begin to walk outside. The cool early morning air hits my face, I take a deep breath and appreciate the calm feeling it gives me as the air flows into my lungs. I continue walking until I reach the outside entrance for the inside pool, the only light being the pool light that gives off a turquoise blue colour through the water.

*Play Control by Zoe Wees pleaseeeeeeeee*

I take careful steps so that Harry doesn't hear me coming, he is now resting on the side of the pool by his elbows with his back facing me.

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