Chapter 2

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Songs to listen to while reading:
Everything I Wanted - Billie Eilish
Good Life - OneRepublic
like that - Bae Miller

Flying. Flying in a giant machine that is 35 000 feet up in the air is just something I've never been able to be okay with. Flying on aeroplanes scares the living shit out of me but here I am, boarding my flight to London. It's going to be okay right? They always check the engines and all the technical stuff before flights? Oh god, what if they've forgotten to fill the fuel tank-

"Can I please see your ticket ma'am?" One of the polite flight attendants save me from my never ending overthinking.

I fumble in my bag for my plane ticket. "Sorry." I mumble while handing her the ticket.

She flashes me a friendly smile before checking my ticket which soothes my nerves a bit. "Your seat is on the right hand side, I hope you enjoy your flight with us!" She instructs to me while pointing to the side of the plane that my seat is situated.

Once thanking her, I start making my way down the aisle. Scanning the seat numbers on the overhead compartments, I finally find my seat towards the middle of the plane.

I start trying to lift my hand luggage which is a small suitcase. My arms struggle while trying to shove the suitcase into the compartment. I glimpse behind me and notice that a line has begun to form behind me which only makes my anxiety sky rocket. I can't help that I have the strength of a new born child! I give the suitcase one more push with all the strength that I can manage and finally get it to fit. Once shutting the compartment door, I shuffle my way to the window seat and sit down.

After closing my eyes and taking a deep breath to calm myself down, I observe what view I have from the window. I don't know why I always choose the window seat, I mainly keep it closed while flying because I don't like heights. But the middle seat is awkward because you're in the middle of two random people who normally steal the arm rests from you. And then there's the aisle seat where you have to stand up every time the other two people need to get up. So I guess I just pick the lesser of the evils by choosing the window seat.

I shove my earphones into my ear and press play on my first playlist to try and get my mind off the thought of the giant flying machine leaving the safety of the ground. The last of the passengers are finding their seats while I close my eyes and try to think calming thoughts. Hopefully the travel sick pill that I took before boarding will start kicking in since they always make me drowsy after taking them.

I squeeze my eyes shut a bit more when I feel the plane jerk as it begins to reverse from the spot it was originally parked in.

Let's think about something else before I start panicking and weirding out the people seated next to me who seem perfectly calm in the death trap that we're in. Well in my opinion, they are the weirdos because they aren't panicking but let's not judge them. I don't even know what I'm going to do once I arrive in London, I've never been before but Caleb says that London would be perfect for me. It's going to be morning when I get there but jetlag is definitely going to be a bitch. I only have a few things planned for the first week and then from there I'm just going to wing it. I'm not one to be spontaneous but it's never too late to start right?

The plane begins to pick up speed rapidly before it starts to lift off of the safety of the ground.

My hands clamp into fists on my sides to the point where my nails are digging into the skin on my palm. I start to take some slow deep breaths as I try to focus on the music that is playing through my earphones.

The travel sickness pill has slowly started to show its affect by making me feel tiredness. My hands unclamp from the fists that they were previously in and fall onto my lap in a relaxed state. My breaths become more even as I drift off into a deep sleep.

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