Chapter 12: Leaving

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*Sky's POV*

There just has to be trouble when we are having a fun time. There is always something bad when I finally have a good time. I look to see Kaiden who has a serious face on now. I hate this so much. None of this would be happening if I just wasn't here. Why can't I just be left alone and live a happy life! I don't deserve this.

"It's Blake... He sent another message. We have to prepare he said to be attacking in 2 weeks," Mason said and that made me hold my breath.

This is happening because of me... people are going to die because of me.

If I leave and give myself in Kai and Mason will come after me and more people still die. So no matter what I do people get killed. This is my battle though mine to fight. I don't know what I should do. I want to protect them because I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me. But at the same time I'm scared what he will do to me.

I think over every possibility and at the end I have to go. I can't risk them fighting a war I know I can prevent.

Knowing that there are probably eyes everywhere it would be best to leave at night and I know that Blake will know I left. I will try to run and escape but I know in the end I will be with him. He wants revenge for his father because he died because of me. I know I have no choice but to go with him once he finds me.

"What are you thinking, my love?" I heard Kaiden's voice

"Nothing, I'm just worried that's all. I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me," I told him with a pout.

He gave me a sad smile and pecked my lips, "I know baby, but there is going to be a war anyways. I can't let him get to you. You are my world and I can't live without you. We will be okay I promise,"

I nodded my head even though I know that I am leaving. So I just take this time to spend with him and love him as much as I can.

I hug him not wanting to let go while he wrapped his arms around my waist and his face in the crook of my neck taking in my scent. I feel bad that I am leaving but I am doing this for him and our pack. As Luna I have as much responsibilities as him. I know that Kai will come after me and find me. But I also know when he is angry he will fight to get back what is rightfully his. I hope one day I will be reunited with him. I just have to have hope.

We spend the rest of the day together cuddling at my request. We are in our shared bedroom on the bed talking and just being with each other. As it is getting late in the night I patiently wait for him to go to bed. Once he is fast asleep I carefully get up and go to the desk to write a letter to him letting him know. Know that it wasn't his fault why I decided to leave.

Afterwards, I sneakily left the house and crept across the border and run as fast as I could. Knowing that Blakes pack would be on my trail ready to get to me.

As I ran something or should I say someone tackled me down.

"Well well well, look who we got here," the person I feared and despised had said.


*Kaiden's P.O.V.*

I woke up in the morning expecting to feel the love of my life but the best was empty. I shot up and looked around but nothing. I got up and glanced down noticing that there was a note to me on my desk.

'Did someone come and kidnapped my mate?' Xavier asked

"I don't know Xav, no it's her writing?" It came out more like a question.

Dear Kaiden,

I want you to know that I love you so very much and I am thankful for everything that you have done for me. I told you when we first met that if he found me I was going to leave. I can't stay not when I know that I will cause you pain losing your pack members because of me. I know that you will try to find me. But please, I'm begging you, please don't come after me. It's too dangerous. Losing one pack member is better than losing thousands. I love you Kaiden and your pack. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. Can you please tell my brother that I love him and I'll miss him? And tell Kyle to stop being a child and he will be okay? Finally please take care of yourself while I'm gone. I want you to be okay. If you ever find another woman who you learn to love. Love her, I want you to be happy. Even though I wish I could stay and be that girl. But I can't risk you or anyone dying because of me. I love you Kaiden.

I will miss you


Your Sky <3

After I finished reading her letter I fell to the ground and broke down into tears. She left me. She put herself in danger just so My pack will be safe. She is the most selfless person I know. She is so strong but I know I have to find her. I have to rescue her from Blake. Because I am well aware that he probably has her by now.

I mind linked my pack letting them know that we are going to war now. I get my best trackers and I alert her brother.

Sky I am coming to rescue you.

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