Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 -  Asuma visits

After eating at Ichiraku’s, Natsumi noticed how peaceful the night was and decided to see the moon in one of the many inside forests of Konoha. 10 minutes later Natsumi found herself inside a spooky forest. She was getting more creped out by the second. Damn I should have stayed inside the walls, she thought as she saw a huge centipede crawl in front of her. Natsumi tried to calm herself down and focused on any chakra signal, if there was one, to try and find her way back and she found 2 just 10 minutes to her right. Without thinking, she set of but stopped halfway. In her position in the tree she could clearly see a man with a black cloak with red clouds and an old man with bandages. Natsumi quickly hid her chakra but while doing so she could feel the old man’s chakra, she also noticed that it was mixed. After a few more minutes the man with the cloak disappeared; Natsumi looked back at the old man and then disappeared too, following the other man. She quickly searched for his chakra and founded close by. Not thinking twice she ran in that direction. After a few seconds she found a small fire, still burning, but no one in sight yet she could feel him.

“Come out. I know that you’re there.” Natsumi said and leaned back against a tree.

The man with the black cloak appeared out if the shadows.  He had onyx eyes, black hair with bangs that framed his face, and probably wore a low-tied ponytail which was obscured by the high collar of the cloak. He also wore a slashed Konoha forehead protector.

“Are you one of Danzo’s puppets?”

“No, he doesn’t know about me.”

Then Natsumi found the man in front of her with a kunai at her thought. “If you don’t work for him, then why did you follow me?” He asked and Natsumi ignored his question and took the opportunity and touched his hand. She saw all of his memories before he could react.

“What do you want?!” he asked again.

“I’m just like you.”

Her answer shocked Itachi so much that his carefully composed expression fell, exposing his feelings. So Natsumi continued.

“I have a twin brother, you already know him, well when we were inside our mom we were both weak and only one could survive. So I gave him half of my soul, at that moment the other part mixed with something that your group wants. Anyway he doesn’t know of my existence and its killing me not to tell him who I am.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because I need your cooperation in something, Itachi.”

“Tell me why should I help you and not kill you instead.”

“One, your sharingan won’t work on me. Two, it will help you in the upcoming events. Three, it will help you with your real goal.”

After a moment, “I’m listening.”

“All I need is for you to keep an open mind and extend your hand.”

A moment later Natsumi was searching Itachi’s mind for one person. In a matter of seconds she confirmed her suspicions and something else that she wasn't expecting.  She then let go of Itachi’s hand and reached for her bag that contained a brush, ink jar and small strips of paper. She took out one sheet and quickly wrote a spell that Kuro taught her. Natsumi then gathered her things and put them back in her bag. Itachi watched silently and she picked up the piece of paper with strange writings and channeled black chakra in it. The paper reacted to the chakra and it started to glow. He watched as the girl took a step close to him and blew on the paper. He watched transfixed as the writing lifted up from the paper and came close to him. It then formed the same way it was on the paper and glowed as it touched him.

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