Chapter 1

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Uzumaki Natsumi

Age 16

 Chapter 1

Natsumi was almost there. She could even see Konohas main entrance, but the pain in her side was increasing rapidly, meaning the poison was spreading.  “Damn it!” using her last bit of energy she willed the wild to blow her to the entrance. As she landed roughly on the ground the two shinobi guards ran to her asking if she was all right. “Need…Tsunade… Poison…” These were her last words before blacking out.


Lady Tsunade found herself in the hospital looking at a girl that looks exactly like Uzumaki Kushina. The girl had long deep red hair and sea blue eyes.  Honestly, lady Tsunade was lost for words. She could faintly hear someone talking to her. “Lady Tsunade!” She blinked and saw Sakura on the other side of the bed.

“What?” she asked. She still didn’t know what to think of this girl.

“You spaced out for a moment.” Sakura gave her a concerned look.

“Oh.”  That was all that Lady Tsunade said.

“Do you know her?” Sakura was looking at the sleeping girl. After Lady Tsunade cured her from the poison she was assigned to heal her wound. Sakura had to admit that she has never seen anyone with red hair but it really suits her.

“No.” Lied Lady Tsunade and she could tell that Sakura knew she lied too. Just then she notice the girls face turn to discomfort. “Ugh my head hurts. Kuro do something about the pain, please.”

Both Lady Tsuade and Sakura wondered who this ‘Kuro’ was. Moments later an ominous black chakra surrounded the red head. Just as it came it went away.  Sakura and Lady Tsunade were dumfounded. The red head opened her eyes and Lady Tsunade had her suspicions confirmed. This child was Uzumaki Kushina.


The next day Natsumi sat nervously in front of the Hokage. She knew that she had to tell her everything but the mere thought of rejection scared her.

Calm down Natsumi. If the Hokage doesn’t believe us then I’ll come out.

But Kuro, it’s dangerous! What if Naruto is here and the nine tales senses us?!

I’ve already checked and he isn’t here.

“Excuse me!” Lady Tsunade yelled. She has been trying to get the girl’s attention for about 3 minutes now.

“Sorry.” Natsumi quickly replied in a small voice.

“Now that I have your attention can you explain to my why Izumo and Kotesu found you bleeding at my entrance?”

“Well…” She seriously had no idea where to start.

“Just start from the beginning.”

“I was coming to this village and on the way some rouge ninja attacked me with some poison. Someone saved me and killed him but he died to. So I continued my journey and at the very end I pushed myself and landed at the entrance.”

“What purpose do you have here?”

Here goes nothing, Natsumi thought. “Long story short I am Narutos’ sister.”

“That is impossible!”  Lady Tsunade didn’t know what to think. She knew that Minato and Kushina had only one child and that was Naruto. This girl has to be lying, she thought.

“Let me explain first.”

Tsunade stayed quiet. She didn’t believe her but she was intrigued to hear her story.

 “I died before the doctors could detect 2 fetuses. The reason why I died was because I was very weak and the nine tales didn’t accept me. He only acknowledges Naruto so I gave him a part of me so he could live. You already know that there are only nine kyuubi. But combine them and you have the Jubi. It is said that the Sage of Six Path created each biju using the ying-yang power of the jubi.”

“What does this have to do with you?” Tsunade couldn’t help to ask.

“Because the moment I died the spirit of the jubi gave me life in another mother who wanted a child but she knew that she was not capable of sustaining it because on an injury she had. She had me and loved me like a mother but even she knew that I was not her child.”

“You are the jinchūriki of the jubi (ten tailed beast)?”

“More or less. The jubi is simply using my body to gather energy. At this very moment I have a few of the bijus”

“You have a few of in your body?”

“Yes. Can I ask where Naruto is?”

“He is on a mission to seal the three tales.”

“Oh.” Natsumi was anxious to meet her twin brother.

“Do you have any proof that you are the jubi?” Lady Tsunade already saw the black chakra but she wanted to confirm if it really was the jubi.

You ready Kuro?

Let’s do it

Lady Tsunade watched as the red head was surrounded by the same black chakra. Then Her body tuned black, with one huge eye, and very sharp teeth.  In a blink she was back to normal. For a third time she was left speechless. “I believe you.”

When the Hokage said those words Natsumi felt the weight on her shoulders go away. She could almost do a happy dance but didn’t. Lady Tsunade could easily tell that she was happy.

“What’s your name?”

“Uzumaki Natsumi. I am very aware who are my parents and I understand if you want to change my last name so that Naruto doesn’t know.”

“Maybe it is for the best for now but there will be a time where you will need to tell him of your existence.” Though I don’t believe that Naruto will be able to put two and two together, Tsunade thought.

“Then what’s my name?”

“Nakamura Natsumi.” Tsunade almost forgot something she wanted to ask. “Who is Kuro?”

“Kuro is the jubi. We talk a lot.”

“Mmm… For now you will be joining Guy-sensei for training. I’ll make arrangements for an apartment close to Naruto… You know I really doubt that Naruto will find out on his own.”

“I know but since he hasn’t met Kushina yet I’ll be ‘safe’ for now.”

I really hope so, Tsunade thought before Nartsumi got up and left her office.



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