Chapter 16 - Reunited at last

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The last chapter of Twin Sister?! [Naruto Shippuden fan fic]

Chapter 16


Reunited at last

It was still dark when Naruto’s brain became ballistic. His thoughts were running around in his head that he had given up on getting more sleep. He stared into the darkness of his tent while hearing Konohamaru’s snores and Sasuke’s light breathing. His mind was still racing with thought on what would happen today, so he quietly got out of the tent and sat down in the middle of the wide open gate – Tsunade had it open at midnight. As he stared into the dark road he didn’t notice the hidden shinobi and kunoichi from all of the other great nations and villages were on guard. They had just gotten, barely, alive out of a war and they sure as hell didn’t want to start another one by having a village be destroyed by a possible enemy. The five Kages were ready except Tsunade, she was still sleeping.

Slowly Konohamaru woke up a little later and just as the sky started to lighten both Naruto and Konohamaru saw a figure in the distance slowly walking up the lonely road. It was still a bit too dark to make out who it was but they both knew it was female. Naruto walked to the edge of the main gate, squinting his eyes to try and see father. It was then that his heart started to beat really fast; he seen a flash of red hair. The figure was suddenly gone and Naruto couldn’t breathe properly. He ran a few feet to see where she had went but it was still too dim to see. Until he hear a gasp from behind. He turned and found Konohamaru’s arms tangled in her long bloody red hair. Naruto felt jealous that his own sister was hugging him first and not her own brother. And just as the thought came to his mind she disappeared and Konohamaru had on a smile on his face that stretched from ear to ear. Before he could even open his mouth, hands came around from his back and covered his eyes. He felt a body press into his back and long hair tickle his hands. Just from her tough he had tear in his eyes. ‘Finally’, he thought with a smile that rivaled that of Konohamaru’s and grabbed hold of her thin wrists. Just as he turned she heard ‘puff’ and a cloud of smoke greeted him instead of his sister. “Hey!” he whined and heard a giggle behind him. Huffing he crossed his arms and stood still, though he really, really wanted to turn and see her smiling face filled with color.  Then thin arms snaked their way between his and he felt her hug and her silent tears. This caused his tears to start falling down. He finally turned and gave her a heart whelming hug that both needed at that moment. ‘Finally I have my sister’ he thought and that made him embrace her more closely to him. ‘Finally I’m not alone.’ Naruto always knew that he wasn’t alone, he had Konohamaru, and all of his friends but what he was missing the most was someone that he could say that was a family member. And finally he had her in his arms.

“I’ve missed you,” he whispered in her ear when he had stopped crying.

“I was always with you,” she whispered back. And that made Naruto feel more complete than ever. Even when meeting his mom and dad that didn’t made him feel complete.

Naruto spoke the silent worry that had been on the back of his mind, “Are you going to stay this time?”

“I plan on sticking around until I die,” she said in his ear. “And I hope you learn quickly how to change dippers and calm down crying babies cause when I want a break, I expect you and Sasuke to watch over you niece and nephew. Since not even Kurama and his beast ball can save you from those little monsters of mine.”

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