Chapter 11

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Sorry its short its sort of a filler.


Chapter 11

Three days have passed and Kakashi and Guy have found themselves helpless in trying to diminish Natsumis agonizing screams of pain. The only thing that they could do was to parole the area. They even tried using Tsunade’s healing technics but nothing would work.

“Her screams are making me feel horrible.” Guy said, standing next to a sitting Kakashi. “If this is what a jinchiriki to the ten tailed beast has to endure…. If I was in her place I would have been dead in the first second.”

“This is a glimpse to what the Akatsuki did to Gaara when they extracted his beast.”

“Just by seeing it makes me feel weak.” Guy commented while trying to control his shaking legs.

“I know what you mean.”

As they waited for it to be over Kakashi noticed strange images in the chakra. The images were about a war, and Natsumi was in the middle of it. She was surrounded by chakra that surpassed Naruto’s own chakra level. Then Natsumi fought with a masked man not only ending his life but also hers. The images disappeared, jolting Kakashi awake for the trance he was in. Focusing, he noticed vapors coming from her body that lay on the ground. Her hair had turned white was slowly regaining the red which she had before. Soon enough the vapors stopped and she opened her eyes.

During the chakra bursts she was reminded about her unchanging destiny. I get it! I don’t need to be reminded again! Natsumi thought as she slowly got up on shaky legs. As Guy helped her up an ANBU ninja appears. “Hatake Kakashi the Hokage wants to see you immediately for a mission briefing.” Kakashi nodded and puffed off while Natsumi digested the words. It’s almost time! Natsumi thought.

“Guy I need you to leave me alone for three days.” Natsumi said as she stepped away from him. Guy looked shocked at her words. “Why? What are you doing Natsumi?” She took a few more steps back. “I’m making sure to go through with my plan. Please don’t interfere.” Natsumi then ran away from guy and headed of into the mountains to meet with the man that will play a huge role in her destiny.


Natsumi found herself waking up in a room that was unfamiliar to her yet the body next to her was. The arm around her waist tightened and pulled her closer to a bare chest. His nose glided up and down her neck giving her goose bumps up her spine. “I don’t want you to leave,” he said. His words caressed her body like soft silk. “Me neither but our destinies are written in stone.” Natsumi said back quietly already feeling sad of what’s about to come. “Hey, don’t start feeling down. I will be watching over you and Sasuke so I’ll always be with you in spirit.” Itachi then turned Natsumi so she would face him. “If you feel really lonely just look down and talk to our unborn son.” Looking at his face Natsumi noticed his rare smile and she couldn’t stop the tears that escaped her eyes. In the three days she passed with Itachi, thanks to a secret note he have her, Natsumi had her heart on her sleeve, very well knowing what was about to come. Wiping a few tears away, Natsumi smiled at Itachi, “A boy huh? Are you sure it isn’t a girl?” Itachi’s smile grew larger. “I am an Uchiha and our son will help restore our clan with his uncle.” Natsumi’s smile faded as she thought of Sasuke. The old Sasuke she saw through Itachi’s memories was completely different than the Sasuke she knew from Kakashi’s memories. “I really hope that what you’ll do will open his eyes.” Natsumi said as her hand traced the planes of his semi defined chest. Itachi looked at the window and noticed a frog. Natsumi followed his gaze and recognized the messenger frog that Jiraiya uses. Natsumi quickly grabbed Itachi’s cloack and opened the window. “What are you doing sleeping with the enemy!?” the toad screamed at her. “He is an S-ranked criminal!” Natsumi gave him a wicked glare that shut him up quickly. The toad then pulled out a scroll and gave it to Natsumi before turning into smoke.

Natsumi sat on the floor and started to read. Itachi noticed that her eyes were watery and scanned the scroll very hastily. He waited patiently until she stopped and hid her face from his view. Suddenly her sob broke the silence that hung in the air. “Jiraiya sensei is going to face the leader of the Akatsuki. He will fight to the very end until he finds his identity,” Natsumi said with silent tears going down her face; her voice never quivering.  Itachi got up and sat behind Natsumi and just hugged her. It was the only thing he could do seeing that she was going to lose two people that she cared for even if she didn’t know them for long. It’s been only a few days and I’ve developed feeling for her, Itachi thought as he hugged her closer to him.


A feww weeks later Natsumi walked down a busy street of Konoha that at the end had a convenience store where she planned to buy five pregnancy tests to make sure, even if Kuro already confirmed it. She wanted physical proof that she, indeed, was pregnant with Itachi’s child. What she didn’t expect was bumping into Shikamaru with the un-bought tests in the store. “Is that…” he started to say but Natsumi continued to walk past him and paid for the tests. Once the tests were in a bag she headed to the exit only to have Shikamaru follow her. “Who’s the father?” he asked quietly. “Someone who will soon be dead.” Her words made him completely stop in his tracks.

Once inside her home Hikaru welcomed Natsumi with his stuff already packed. “Tomorrow will be the last day we will be seeing each other Tsumi” he said using his nickname that he made up. It was sometimes scary, to Natsumi, to think that the boy she raised as her son, that shares her blood, be part of the Sage of the Six Paths. And that same boy, who is twelve, will be leaving soon to head off in his own destiny, leaving her to an empty house, all alone. “I wish you could stay one more day Hikaru.” She said wiping her tears. “But our future is already made in stone and nothing will stop you.” Hikaru walked to her and hugged her softly. “You will become a great mother Natsumi. You will be remembered by all and your son will look up to you, knowing that his mom was a great shinobi.” Hikaru said giving her his signature smile that will have the girls chasing him. “But once Jiraiya dies Pein will come and destroy Konoha. This door to this world will be destroyed and you will never have to see that man ever again. Until then keep Kurenai and her daughter safe.” 

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