Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Damn! I forgot to ask the Hokage where Gai sensei is. Just outside she saw a woman with short black hair and a pig following her. Natsumi ran towards her. “Um excuse me do you know where is Gai-sensei?”

Shizune looked at her trying to remember who she was. “He’s over at Ichiraku’s.”

Natsumi smiled, “Thanks.” She realized that she didn’t know how he looks. “Can you describe him?”

Shizune smiled, “He wears a green jumpsuit and has a bowl cut hair.” And then she ran up the stairs after hearing Lady Tsunade screaming her name.


After asking an old couple for directions, Natsumi finally reached Ichiraku just as a man with a green jumpsuit was leaving. She quickly ran towards him. “Hey, Gai-sensei!” Gai turned around after hearing a voice calling his name. He found a girl with long red hair waving her hands and calling his name. I wonder who she is.

“What can I do for ya little lady?” he said giving his trade mark smile with the “ping” when he smiled.

“I’m new here and for today Lady Tsunade said that I could train with you.”

“I could always use a new student to train while my team is away….” Gai said while thinking of the new training exercises he wanted to try on Lee. “There is only one thing that I need from you.” Natsumi was really excited. It would be the first time she would be properly trained by a real teacher.

“What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?” Gai-sensei asked.

Natsumi looked down sheepishly. “I’ve never have been properly trained before. I learned by watching other ninjas secretly and tried to mimic them. That’s why I’m really excited.”

“Well all you need is the power of youth!” Gai-sensei exclaimed and did his “nice guy pose.”

Natsumi couldn’t hold back her giggles. “What’s so funny?” Gai-sensei asked not getting the joke. Natsumi shock her hear willing the giggling to stop. “Nothing, nothing at all.”

“Are you ready to start training… eh… what’s your name?”

“Uzu-I mean Nakamura Natsumi.”

“Nice meeting you Natsumi. You already know my name so let’s get started! All right! First we’ll…”

Training with Gai-sensei was something else. She thought that her old training was tough but this… this is brutally tough. No joke. He had her walk on her hands all the way to a clearing where his team practices. And it is not easy walking with your hands and having long, very long, hair tied up and your bangs in your face no matter how you tie it. After a minute of a break he showed her the basics of taijutsu. To say the least Natsumi caught on quickly and Gai-sensei had to up his game. After this he taught her the basic hand seals and ninjutsu.  Kuro wanted to show off but exposing her powers in front of someone who she just met; that made Natsumi hesitant.

Gai was surprised that Natsumi, having no proper training, could use two elements, fire and wind. But he could also notice that she was holding back. But the question on his mind was, why? Why was she holding back? Could she control three elements at once? He decided to go for it and he literally had Natsumi thinking twice about using her full force.

“I can see that you are holding back. Don’t hold back, I can take it.”

What surprised Gai was her response. “If I go full force I could easily kill you and wipe out Konoha. I don’t want that.” Gai noticed her sadden face. In the back of his mind, fear emerged, but he suppressed it.  “Then use your maximum power without going over bored.” He wanted to judge if what she was saying was true. “Then promise me that you won’t speak of this event to anyone other than the Hokage.” Gaisaw how serious she was now. “You have my promise. I won’t say anything.” Suddenly he saw Natsumis’ face change from serious into playful. “Prepare to be amazed and beaten by a sixteen year old girl, old man.” Gai had to laugh, “I’m only thirty years old. I’m not ninety.” Natsumi smirked, “You’ll feel like that when I’m through with you.

That is indeed how Gai felt. Natsumi… she was something else. The fact that he identified traits from Gaara’s fighting form when he was a jinchuriki surprised him. And that she had a seriously large amount of chakra left that could rival and surpass Naruto’s chakra was amazing. He finally noticed the deformed landscape. From the smooth plain it was before the fight, it had now various levels of earth columns with huge cracks in the grown.

“I warned ya old man.” Natsumi was smiling, really smiling. It closely reminded him of Naruto.

“You didn’t warn me, you told me. And yet you were still holding back.” When he said that Natsumi’s face dropped the smile and a look of worried took over. “You are seriously something else. After I recover we will train again but with Lee so that he too can be pushed to his limits.”

Natsumi laughed again.

“Why are you laughing?” he seriously didn’t get what she was laughing at.

“I finally found the reason why your eyes twinkle. It’s because of your student, Lee?” She was very quick in noticing such a thing.

“He is my favorite student. Lee is energetic and never gives up proving to others that he can be a ninja without ninjutsu or genjutsu.”

Natsumi smiled at the way Gai-sensei talked about his favorite pupil. Inside she longed for that feeling, to be loved and accepted. But sadly she knew that near in the future everything would change; for everyone and herself.


Tusnade sat on her chair waiting for news. Shizune finally came in with the reply. Tsunade quickly took it and read it; she let out a breath. Shizune waited quietly on the side. But on the inside she wanted to know.

“Make sure that once Jiraiya gets here, he immediately meets Natsumi.”

Before Shizune could reply Jiraiya appeared. “You called?”

Tsunade smirked. “Yeah I did.” Jiraiya new that Tsunade new something that he didn’t. “Did Minato have other kids?” He was taken aback by the question. “No. He only had Naruto with Kushina and I really doubt that she had another child.”

Tsunade looked at Shizune and nodded. “Please follow me.” Jiraiya looked at Tsunade and she nodded. Something was up.


By sunset Gai was seriously worn out while Natsumi was only panting when Shizune appeared with Jiraiya behind. He saw Guy lying on the ground breathing heavily and a pool of sweat surrounded him.

“What happen to you?”

Gai panted, “Good *pant* workout *pant*.”

Jiraiya heard a giggle from abouve. He looked up and could have sworn that he saw red hair. The figure jumped and landed next to Guy. Jiraiya was left speechless when he saw the red head girl.

“Y-You-You’re Kush-Kushina…”

Natsumi looked at the woman who she asked earlier. “He is Jiraiya, Naruto’s teacher.”

“Mmm… Well Jiraiya I’m not Kushina,” Natsumi looked at Gai sleeping on the ground. “I’m Naruto’s twin sister.



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