Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

As soon as Natsumi left the room she was trapped in the corner by one of the guys wearing the signature cloak of the akatsuki. He was quite tall, Natsumi reached below his shouldes. His hair was held in a low ponytail and his eyes were expretionless.

"Itachi-sempai what are you doing?" A childish voice asked behind him.

Itachi turned to look at the behind his back, blocking the person from seeing me. "Tell the others to not wait for me. I'll reach the place in 2 days."

Itachi then grabbed her arm and dragged her out into the bar were Guy still sat. 'Don't come and find me. Continue the mission while I follow my own lead. Meet me a mile away from the village in two days.' Guy looked up and then down discreetly, he heard Natsumi's orders loud and clear.

Once outside Itachi carried off with Natsumi only to stop at an abandoned house in the outskirts of the village. "What are you doing here? And why are you dressed in that?" Itachi asked after dropping her in an old bed.

Natsumi was about to answer when she felt a presence similar to one of the members who was in the room when she sang. 'Follow my lead, we're being watched.' "So what kind of service would you like?" Natsumi said trying to look sexy to convince whoever was watching that they didn't know each other.

"Just follow my lead and then bill me later. But before we start know that this is no strings attached thing. And don’t expect to wake up with me still in bed."

"You took the words out of my mouth stud. Now that we're both on the same page; want to start now?"

At that moment whoever was watching left. Itachi noticed the change in her expression and waited. "Whoever it was is gone now."

"Then answer my first question."

"My team is here because of you and this is me undercover to get close to you guys. I think it worked out well considering that you are here."

Itachi stayed silent for a while, clearly in deep thought. "We're on our way to get the four tailed beast."

Natsumi's heart dropped. She quickly turned away from Itachi and tried to hold back her sobs. Sensing someone coming she held back her tears and kissed Itachi, taking him by surprise, before someone kicked down the door. Itachi pushed her back and turned to face the intruder. Once Natsumi was able to sit strait she glared at the intruder. The man or more correctly a fish stood in front of us with a wicked smirk.

"I hope I didn't intrude in anything." He said slyly.

"Yes you did fish face. Now make it quick so I can finish my job."

"What is it Kisane?" Itachi asked in a bored tone.

"He doesn't want to wait two days."

Itachi looked a bit ticked off but quickly hid any emotion. He then turned and walked to where Natsumi was and bent down to really kiss her. "Sorry that our fun was cut short. Here are a few bills to cover for the two day service." With that he handed her the money and left with Kisame.

Natsumi then said, "That was one hell of a kiss," after making sure that they were lone gone.


 After sending new instructions to Guy, Natsumi waited at the spot for them to get there. She was so bored that she didn't notice a blond guy with a guy that acted like a 5 year old walking down the same path that she was on.

"Deidara-sempai isn't she the dancer from earlier?"

At this Natsumi looked up recognizing the same childish voice from before next to her. She was met with a man in a mask. The only thing that she could see was a sharingan eye that had the same chakra that Kakasi's hidden eye held. Realizing that she was staring too long she closed her fist and landed a straight punch and the masked man.  

"That hurt Tobi's head."

"That’s what you get for invading my personal space." Natsumi answered but her mind was playing all of the man's memories. 'This is him, but why is he acting this way if he is stronger than the Akatsuki?'

Suddenly a familiar voice called out for her. "There you are Princess." Kakashi and Guy were calmly walking up to Natsumi in their disguises, ignoring the two Akatsuki members.

"Keito, Haku I want to go home!" Natsumi said in an overly spoiled manner.

"After our final stop we can go home, princess." Kakashi said patting Natsumi on her head. She quickly slapped his hands away. "Don't touch my hair."

"Alright you two," Guy called. "Let’s get a move one so the princess can be home in a few days.”

The three of them headed back to Konoha ignoring the S-Ranked criminals watching them. 


An hour into their light run through the trees, they sentenced five different chakra signals; two of which Natsumi identified as Deidara and 'Tobi'. Then one of the three unknown threw a kunai directly at Natsumi. Since she was a 'princess' Guy blocked it for her. Kakashi quickly stood next to her. Then three rouge ninjas appeared but Deidara and Tobi have yet to appear.

"Hand us all your money and the princess and we won't have to kill you." One ninja said. 

"Then we'll die fighting." Kakashi said and blocked another kunai. 

"It's two against three. You'll die easily." 

At this the three ninjas attacked. Natsumi couldn't attack since she had spectators watching but she could dodge the kunai throne at her. 

"You little bit_" Natsumi kicked him in his balls before he could finish the sentence. "What, cat caught your tong?"

"He he that was funny, yeah" Deidara said behind her. 'So he finally decided to show up'

"What are you doing here?" 

"I have nothing else to do." Suddenly another ninja appeared next to him; Tobi.

"Did the bad man hurt you, princess?" 'Tobi' asked in his childish voice.

"No but I made sure that he doesn't reproduce in the future."

Then Kakashi and Guy appeared next to her full of concern. "Are you all, right princess?" Natsumi nodded. "Can we go now?"

"Yes princess." Kakashi picked me up bridal style and quickly left. Guy was next to them when Natsumi felt the familiar ache. 

"Grab my hand quickly and picture the mountain with the past Hokages." Guy grabbed her hand and in seconds, that could rival her own father, they were on top of the mountain. Natsumi quickly jumped away from them and headed into the forest but not before quickly shouting "It’s happening again!" at Guy before she was consumed in blackness that could last from 1 to 4 days.

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