Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The next morning Natsumi followed Hikaru with his bags to the main entrance. Many citizens of Konoha stared at Hikaru. His hair was black as night and at the top there was two spikes of hair that made it look like small horns. His skin was pale from the lack of sun but his eyes… His eyes were what captivated Natsumi all those years ago that made her save him from the death’s sleep. His eyes were a mix between blue and purple that would turn into the legendary rinengan once activated.

Once in the main gate Hikaru and Natsumi stood facing each other. Natsumi could already feel a few tears gathering in her eyes. Hikaru lifted his free hand and wiped them away before they even fell. Silently he reached for his pocket and pulled out a bracelet with a heart, in the middle it held a clock and around the heart were a pair of gold wings. Dropping his bags, Hikaru took her right wrist and put the bracelet on. To Natsumi’s surprise the bracelet came alive. The wings fluttering delicately as the design inside the heart moved. That’s when Natsumi noticed Hikarus right wrist. It also had a bracelet but his was more masculine type of compass. “With this I will always know where you are,” Hikaru said and then gave the woman who took care of him for ten years of his life a farewell hug that lasted more than it should have. It was hard leaving her but he knew that this was the only way she would survive. The sage himself showed him every possible outcome of what’s about to come and at the very end he had to choose to either save his mother or to stay alive. “I’ll visit you in dreamland mother.” His comment made Natsumi smile. “Be a good boy, always eat health, never trust anyone, and brush your teeth, b-” Hikaru looked at his mom, “Mom.” Natsumi quickly shut up. “You raised me well and you’ve shone me unconditional love but now it’s time for me to go on my journey.” Hikaru kissed his mother’s cheek and started to walk away from her, the woman who gave him a second chance at life, to his journey that will lead him to repay his debt to her. A life for a life.


Natsumi found herself in the Hokage’s office staring at a scroll that had a summoning jutsu written on it. Put your hand over it and concentrate chakra there, an abject should appear in the circle. Just as Natsumi put her hand over the circle the door busted open and whoever entered pushed Natsumi and her hand landed in the circle. Smoke appeared and Tsunade noticed that Natsumi disappeared.


Natsumi was falling. Everything around her was blurry and all she could hear was the wind whistling in her ear. Suddenly she was under water. Letting her body float upward she relaxed. Once at the surface she looked around. The grass was taller than trees and Natsumi noticed frog Statues everywhere she looked. Swimming to the edge of the pool, Natsumi got out and started to walk but stopped when she noticed a female from with purple hair staring at her sin shock.  That’s when Natsumi noticed that she was covered in oil and not in water. Then she started to feel a different kind energy… it was almost natural that she felt comfortable with it. “H-How are you not turning into a statue?” the frog lady asked. Natsumi shrugged, “I have no idea what I’m doing; I’m only feeling an energy that feels natural.” The frog lady quickly came to her and grabbed her hand, “Follow me. We must discus this matter with Ōgama Sennin.”

Natsumi had to run to keep up with the frog lady. As she ran she noticed that they entered a large temple and at the end of the huge room that they were currently in, she saw a huge old frog with a strange hat sitting in a stone chair. Next to him was a smaller frog with a white beard. “What is this human doing her Shema? And why are leading her here?” the small frog asked in a grumpy way. “She fell out of the sky into the oil pool and didn’t turn into stone! I brought her here to see if Ōgama Sennin knows anything, Fukasaku.” Shema said back to Fukasaku. So this is the Great Toad Sage, Natsumi thought as he stared down at her. “Impossible! The second that she stepped out of that pool she had to turn into stone!” Fukasaku exclaimed in an alarmed manner. “That’s enough Fukasaku,” the Toad Sage said. Fukasaku quickly stopped. “Tell me your name young one,” he said looking Natsumi again. “My name is Uzumaki Natsumi.” A gasp escaped Fukasaku’s mouth when he hears her last name. He then realized that she looked exactly like Kushina. “Kushina and Minato are my parents.” That statement made his thoughts go crazy. How can this be? Jiraiya said that they had a son not a daughter!

“I see that your future has never wavered over the years from its original path. I assume that you know your future?” the Toad Sage asked. “Yes.” She answered. “But why start a second path now?” he asked intrigued at her decision. “First it was to help a friend but then I had to make sure that my brother has a family member that’s alive.”  Shima quickly understood her words but Fukasaku was confused. “She’s pregnant you idiot!” Shima explained to her husband. “And now fate has brought you here to train for the events that you are to face,” the Toad Sage said. “Fukasaku, you will be training her in senjutsu and summoning jutsu an also tell Bunta to train with Natsumi.” Let the training begin, Natsumi thought as she followed Fukasaku.


After Tsunade scold Kotetsu and Izumo for barging in like that. She wondered were Natsumi disappeared. “Because of your actions a very important kunoichi vanished when you bumped into her!” Tsunade yelled at the two shinobi. When she was about to continue smoke appeared over their heads and Natsumi fell down on them; Kotetsu and Izumo cushioning her fall.

“Tsunade I have something to tell you.” Natsumi said once she got up. Tsunade stood in front of her, her hand extended. Natsumi grabbed her hand and showed her that she was at Mount Myoboku and her pregnancy. “Who’s…?” Tsunade asked but kept quiet in case anyone from ROOT was spying on them. Natsumi then mouthed ‘Itachi’ and Tsunade paled. With their hands still linked Natumi told Tsunade that she would receive the full story on him by Kakashi in the future. This made her regain color but Tsunade was still shocked that her baby daddy was Itachi.


After leaving Tsunade’s office Natsumi made her way to the hot springs she noticed that everything was quiet. The street was empty, there were no animals in sight and not even the wind was blowing. Suddenly Natsumi was transported into a place between time and space. Everywere she looked it was covered in fog. ‘Time is running out yet you still try to take control over your destiny,’ a voice that was extremely familiar to her. ‘A girl can dream can’t she? This was the only way to make sure that their friendship stays strong.’ Natsumi replied rubbing her stomach softly. ‘Do you have a host in mind?’ he asked. Natsumi smiled, ‘Yes, I’ve already have made my choice.’ Then images of her fate played infront of her; reminding Natsumi that there was no other way. But there was another way.

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