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Finally getting back home after a long day of school honestly eased my mind. I dropped down my bag on the seat near the mirrored closet next to my door. I walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge because I had food on my mind all day.

"Fucking starving," I muttered out, grabbing some leftover takeout from last night. 

I set my food on the counter, only to be met by both my parents sitting in the living room together.

That's weird

"Hey, what's going on?" They honestly never sit together in the same room. If anything, they hate each other's guts. I just don't understand why my mom hasn't had the courage to leave my father yet.

"Come here, Kyle." My father says calmly. 

He's never this calm, so this must be some serious shit.

I walk over to the living room with a thousand thoughts running through my mind. "What's up?" I questioned and looked over to my mom who kept her head down the whole time.

"How was school, son?" He asked, giving me a sterned look. "School was fine...What's going on?" My heart dropped the moment he started chuckling but had a disappointing look on his face.

"How's Vince? Or Christian? Or any of your guy friends as a matter of fact?!" His voice gradually raised higher and higher, causing me to shiver in my spot. 

"Andrew, stop-"

"Don't cut me off, Christine! I've already had enough of your shit today!" He snaps at my mom. 

"Don't talk to her like that," he turns his attention back to me and gives me a knowing smirk. "Oh, so you tell me what to do now? You pay the bills, right? You own this house, right? Tell me where the hell in your right mind do you get to make decisions for me?! Where the fuck did I go wrong in raising you?" We were face to face now, breathing down on each other.

"Because I don't remember raising a fucking faggot!"



"Christine, shut your fucking mouth! You wanna know how I found out, hmm?" He questions while tilting his head. All I could do was look away, feeling ashamed of myself.

"Your mother wanted to do the laundry, and we found some things in your room." He walks over to the glass table where my laptop and...magazines were.

"Really, magazines? How much of a low-life are you?" He scoffs before throwing it across the room.

"I raised you, fed you, clothed you, and this is what you choose to become? I raised you better than this." He spits out, but I'm frozen in my spot.

This can't be happening right now

"Mom," I whimpered out, but she looks away from me. Was she ashamed of me too?

I fucked up.

Why did I become the way I am?

My father takes a step closer to me before leaning in, "You need to leave right now." He whispered dangerously. Without looking at him, I nod in understanding 

With one last final glance at my mother, I headed straight for the door without turning back.

What have I done?

Where will I stay?

Walking around for God knows how long, I decided to go to the only person I trusted at the moment.

Babysitter | 18+Where stories live. Discover now