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"Goodnight sweetie. I'll see you tomorrow," I say as I tuck Ava into bed and she lets out a tiring yawn in response. "You'll be here tomorrow, right?" She asked with hope-filled her eyes which made me let out a soft chuckle whilst nodding. "Of course I'll be here tomorrow. You didn't think you'd get rid of me that easily, did you?" Her eyes suddenly went wide before she gasped. "I would never get rid of you I swear!" 

I, therefore, held out my pinky towards her, "promise?" She linked her pinky to mine before smiling happily, "I promise!" I turned off her lamp beside her and placed a kiss on her cheek. "Goodnight,"

"Goodnight," she whispers and falls into a deep slumber. I quietly shut her door and knocked on the room next to hers, knowing it was Vince's.

"What?" I hear a groan from the other side. I open the door to only find Kyle and Vince playing Brawhalla on his PlayStation four. "Oh, I'm just letting you know that Ava's asleep." Vince turns his attention towards me before nodding at me.

At least he didn't give me a death stare. 


"And also, do you want me to stay over tonight or you're good to watch Ava?" I hesitantly asked. I've noticed that the reason he 'hates' me is because I'm watching over her. "No, you're fine to leave," he quickly responds and I nod at him, leaving his room.

"Wait Elle, why don't you chill here for a moment. Were tryna get to know you better," Kyle says but I notice Vince shaking his head at him. "No, it's fine. Don't worry bout it." To be honest, I wouldn't mind hanging with them, I just knew Vince didn't want that.

"Naw, for real. Just chill. If your gonna be Ava's babysitter, were gonna have to get used to you being around." He shrugs. I look over at Vince and he's just staring at the ground.

Yeaaaa, fuck it.

"Okay," I go and sit beside Kyle instead. I honestly wasn't trying to make Vince hate me more. "You play?" It was Vince's turn to talk to me. I rose one eyebrow up in confusion as he handed me a controller. I finally understood what he meant and grabbed it from his hands.

"Aight, we'll go easy on you," he smirks out and I silently laugh because brawhalla was my shit.

"Say no more."

Not even two minutes later, I was clapping the shit out of both of them. "Jesus fucking christ Vince, she's a fucking beast!" Kyle groans as I killed him for the third time which was his last life. He angrily throws his controller on Vince's bed and I couldn't help but stifle a laugh.

"Chill man, if you break it, you're buying me another." It was just Vince and I in the game. He killed me twice and I only killed him once meaning that I only had one life left and he had two. "You still going easy?" I smirk out and he looks over at me, rolling his eyes. I noticed his lips lifted up into a smile.

He's actually beautiful.

"Yo, cool it!" He shouts as I use the combo move on him. I finally killed him and he had the same remaining lives as I did. I then used an intense combo that finished him. "Okay, what the actual fuck." He looked confused as to why I beat him in the game.

"Mhm, going easy my ass," I smirked and I noticed he replaced his shocked expression with a glare.

Back to square one, I see.

"Alright, I guess that's my cue to leave. Thank you again." I addressed my thanks to Kyle because it seems that he is the only one that appreciates my presence right now. Kyle nods as I got up to leave. I shut their door and quietly made my way downstairs.

I'm lowkey but hurt because I really want Vince to accept me...for the sake of Ava, not because of my attraction towards him. I put my shoes on before heading out, not noticing there were footsteps walking up behind me.

"I'm driving you home," Vince says as he puts his slides on and grabs his keys. I wasn't sure whether or not to take upon his offer because of how pissed he was already at me. "Naw, it's okay. I can walk home-"

"I wasn't asking." He cuts me off before stepping ahead of me. 

Okay, say no more.

I followed him and got into the passenger's seat whilst he got into the drivers. "Where am I going?" He angrily asks while typing something on the navigation pad of his car.

"Fourteen thirty-two Carson street," I answered quickly. He looked at me for a moment before turning off his navigator and started driving. I'm guessing he knew where my street was.

"I can still walk. It's not that far," I honestly wasn't trying to make him more furious at me, I just simply didn't want to bother him.

"And let you walk alone this late? You've got to think I've lost my fucking mind," he chuckles. 

Why did that sound so sexy coming from his lips?

"I'm just not tryna make you hate me more than you already do," I confessed. He looks at me before stopping the car in the middle of the road. "You can't just stop-"

"I took the way where no one usually passes." He casually says and I tilt my head in confusion. "Why would you do that?" He simply shrugs in response. "Why do you think I hate you?" 

I'm not sure why but this question makes me laugh. He's serious, right?

"You're joking," I laugh out but he's still watching me. "You seriously don't know why I feel that way about you?" He takes a deep breath in before letting it out.

"Ava's been through a lot in her life. I just didn't think it was the best decision for someone to be watching her. That's why I was so disrespectful from the start. I didn't think it'd be enough for you to actually hate me." He draws out. "I'm sorry if I was a little too harsh towards you." He apologizes.

I turn my attention towards him and I'm not sure why but him being so sincere like this makes me smile. "I understand why you did it but you shouldn't have taken your anger out on me. You should've talked to me instead. I would've backed off." He turns off his car before turning his body towards me.

"I know, but watching you with Ava makes me somewhat happy. If she's happy, then I'm cool. Just don't hurt her, please. She means the world to me." I loved how overprotective he was of Ava and I'm pretty sure any older brother would do the same in his position. "I won't." 

"So, can we start over? As friends at least?" He brought his hand out, waiting for me to shake it. If this was as close as I can get to it, then I would gladly take the offer.






I'm sad man.

Anyone wanna like...idk talk?

Anywho boring chapter yea yea ik.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Vince kinda gets better after this. Lmao

See yall next chapter

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