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Man, Carti puts me in a neat mood. Put yall on.

This chapter might be dangerous because this song kept replaying as I wrote this😭


"Yo Kyle, wait up!" I chased after him through the halls. After the incident that happened earlier at lunch, I noticed he avoided me like some kind of plague. He stopped in his tracks before shaking his head at me.

"What the fuck man? Why the hell are you avoiding me?" He scowled at me before responding, "You're seriously not asking me that right now."

Now I was really confused.

"What, you're mad because..."

"Because you turned Elle into a fucking game! She doesn't deserve the shit that's coming her way." He grimaced.

"Why the fuck do you care? We do this shit to everyone-"

"But Elle isn't everyone." He cuts me off, "If you ever have a real conversation, you'd hear how broken she sounds. And don't forget, she's your little sister babysitter, and Ava's attached to her. Don't ruin their bond because of some sick game." He groans.

"It's not like she's gonna find out, Kyle. All I gotta do is let her down easy. It'll be fine." I reassure him but all he does is roll his eyes and let out a breath.

"I can't," he sighs in frustration.

"You can't what?"

"I can't be around you if you're gonna keep doing this shit. You know you're better than this shit so stop tryna compete with Keegan. You have nothing to prove." He stresses out which causes me to groan. "Be the better person, Vince." He concluded.

"Just chill man. Everything will be fine, I won't hurt her." I tried to calm him down but he was nowhere near that.

"Whatever you say," he says before walking away from me. I knew he was mad but I just didn't understand why.

Now I undoubtedly have to win this bet. I'll get to have Leah, Elle, and my best friend back.


"Hey mom," I greeted her as I sat my bag on the counter. She was busy stocking groceries away to even notice.

"You're not trying to help? Immagino di essere l'unico che può aiutare me stesso." She groans.

[I guess I am the only one who can help myself.]

Her statement caused me to groan as well. "You're practically done, you don't need my help," I say whilst walking towards the fridge to grab some water.

"That reminds me, are you busy tomorrow?" She asks as she washes potatoes before chopping them up. "Uhhh, I think there's a party tomorrow night. I'm not sure, but why?"

"I have a very important meeting I need to attend. I can't leave Ava here alone." She sighs.

"Sooooo, what do you want me to do about it?" She glares at me for a moment before making her decision. "Call and see if Elle can watch her." She returns to season her potatoes which leaves me annoyed.

"I don't even have her number."

"It's on the fridge stupido." Fucking hell she pisses me off sometimes. "Alright, I'll call her later."

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