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"You for real? Don't play with me like that." At this point, my heart was racing. Is that really why he was avoiding me all this time?

Kyle has feelings for me? 

Instead of answering, he looks away out of shyness. 

God, he's adorable.

"Don't get all shy on me now," I smirk as he groans. 

I feel like a child getting their first crush.

"Stop," he groans but I laughed it out. "How long, Kyle?" I questioned in a serious tone. I needed to know if what he felt was recent.

"Don't be weirded out, please." He stressed making me sigh. "I told you, I'd never judge you." He nods before answering.

"Since 12," he mumbles, making my smile wider. "Since what?" I playfully asked. "Since 12, okay." Now he was embarrassed. "I see." I say while shaking my head.

"You're not mad?" I shook my head. "Why would I be mad? I think it's kinda cute you got a likkle crush on me, yeah?" I push him playfully and he just chuckles. "So, we good now? Or am I gonna continue getting the silent treatment?"

"Naw we good," I reassure him.

"Good. I'm glad I got my best friend back." He then pulls me into a long, needed hug.

Fuck, he smells good.

I pull away for a second, thinking about everything that just went down in the past twenty minutes.

Now I know

He looks at me with curiosity and I do the same back.

Here goes nothing

Without thinking twice, I press my lips against his. His lips stayed frozen on mine, but I took that opportunity to bite his bottom lip, demanding entrance as our mouths moved in sync.

He pulled back suddenly, giving me a look of shock.

Shit, I fucked up.

"I-I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry Kyle." He then shook his head at me. "Why? Why did you do that?" He asked in disbelief

"I actually don't know. I thought- never mind. Just drop it." I brush my fingers through my hair out of stress.

"So we're not gonna talk about what just happened? You know I can't do that, Christian." He turns towards me causing me to sigh. I really don't know what to say. 

"Kyle, you've been on my mind for a while now. I don't know what these feelings are-nor can I explain them. Just...give me some time to be the guy you want me to be." He looks up at me with confusion.

"What do you mean to be the guy I want you to be?" He said carefully as if he couldn't decipher what I was really tryna say. "I'm saying let's test this out. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Regardless, I'm not tryna lose my best friend." 

"Are you only doing this out of pity? Or-"

"Miss me with that bullshit, Kyle. Like I said I feel something, I just can't explain it. We're just testing waters right now. Is that cool?" He looks up at the grey sky, closing his eyes for a minute.

"God, I can't believe this is actually happening right now." He whispered into the air, causing me to smile. "Yea, that's cool."

"Good, now come here," I say while grabbing his wrists, pulling him closer to me while placing my lips on his again.

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