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It's been a month since my whole incident and if anything, everything was blessed. I am honestly so grateful for Vince's mom because of how accepting she was but deep down, I wish my own mother would have accepted me as well. 

I was currently sitting in the cafeteria for my free period. It was pretty empty, which was the way I liked it. As I was scrolling through my phone with one air pod in my right ear, I get startled by a presence that approached me.


He just sat in front of me at the table, staring me down for God knows how long. 

"Can I help you with something?" I asked breaking off the silence.

"You've been avoiding me," he utters out. "I haven't been avoiding you, you've just never been around." I shrug while turning my attention back to my phone. 

If I'm being honest, his presence has been freaking me out lately so yes, I have been avoiding him. "Every time I appear at the table or anywhere with you Vince and Elle, you just disappear the next minute. I just don't get it." He stresses out in confusion. 

"I didn't think it mattered..." I observe to myself rather than Christian. I didn't think he cared. "The fuck you mean you didn't think it mattered. Of course, it fucking matters because I feel like I'm losing my best friend for fuck sakes! Like I've been trying to figure out what the hell I did wrong for you to keep avoiding me like some kind of illness, Kyle." The pain through his voice made me realize that he truly cared about our friendship. But that's all there will ever be.

Nothing more.

"You haven't done anything wrong, Christian. It's just that a lot has been going on and I-"

"Exactly what I meant. You use to tell me everything. Now you don't. You know I'll never judge you for anything, right?" He beams out and I nod. "I know but it's just too much." I pushed out. I need to get over him and keeping my distance is probably the only way. There was silence between us for a minute before he spoke.

"But Vince gets to know, right?" He chuckles out dryly while shaking his head before getting up from the seat. "It's whatever. You do you, Kyle. I hope you have a nice life." There was something about his tone that sent shivers down my body. 

I fucked it up, didn't I?

I didn't even realize that the bell rang, notifying me that I had my lunch. I just waited at the table for Vince and Elle to appear.

"What's gotten you so down?" Keegan disrupts me from my thoughts while taking a seat next to me. He put his tray of food on the table and gave me a knowing smirk. "Nothing, just a chem test I have next period." I lied and he laughs. "Knowing you, you'd ace that in a breeze, so cut the bullshit. You can't lie to me, I find out everything." He says in a threatening tone. "Even if I was lying, still means I ain't got to tell you shit." I brush him off and he still gives me his classic smirk. "Anyways, how's Elle and Vince. I see that they're getting real close." He points towards them both. Elle leaning into Vince as he holds her.

"Did they fuck yet?" He suddenly asked and I shoot a disgusted glare at him. "Not my business to say," I simply shrug. 

"Oh, but it kinda is. Maybe I should go up to Elle right now and tell her she was only for our entertainment." Knowing Keegan, I knew he wouldn't hesitate in doing so. "Why are you even doing this? Like why do you like fucking with girls like this? They're not some kind of toy for you to fucking play with, they have fucking feelings. So do us all a fucking favour and drop this shit bro, they look happy. Why are you trying to ruin that?" I sighed. I looked over at Vince who was walking towards our table but I carefully shook my head at him, letting him know that sitting here with Elle was not the best option at the moment. 

"Your such a fucking softie Kyle, no wonder why you can't pull bitches. They don't care about shit like flowers and dates, they just want to get fucked and degraded, but your too busy simping and for what? And you never gave a shit when we did this before so why do you care now? Is it because of Elle? Lemme guess you're 'head over heels for her'. Miss me with that fucking bullshit, Kyle." Naw this man always knew how to push my fucking buttons and I wasn't having it.

"I've always had a fucking problem with you and the shit you always do. I just don't say anything because you never listen and you end up assuming shit. And no, I don't have feelings for Elle because I see her as family, someone I can depend on. She's someone I can call a friend, unlike you." I spat. But Keegan being Keegan seemed unfazed at all.

"Awe boo hoo, I don't give a fuck if you like me or not. I'm tryna live my life the way I like it and if you don't like it, then you can suck my dick. But I'm pretty sure you wouldn't mind considering the fact that you're gay." 

Now that caught my attention. How the fuck did he know?

"Ah, am I right, or am I right?" He says while taking a sip from his mango juice. "H-how did you find out?" I was shocked, and Keegan having that information scared the fuck out of me.

"It's kind of obvious. I've never seen you holla at a female in your life, so you must like men. And I see the way you stare down Christian in the halls. Ah, young love. So entertaining," he relaxes as if he were the happiest in the world. "If you don't want lover boy to find out, I suggest you stay out of my fucking business. What I do with my life shouldn't matter to you. Now, you have a nice day, Kyle." And with that, he gets up and leaves, not even taking his food with him.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

I didn't trust Keegan one bit and the thought of him telling Christian made me shit my pants.

I was debating whether or not to tell Christian myself but knowing me, I wouldn't be able to handle that situation at all.

Just when I thought my life couldn't get any worse.







anyways...how yall doin?

Ik ik, short chapter don't come for my headtop. hehe

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See yall next chapter!


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