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I was absolutely fucked because one, I could not get Elle out of my mind and two, I was not trying to go through with the bet no more. Having conversations with Elle every night leads me to unlock something new about her, and she's just as broken as Kyle mentioned.


Last week was my breaking point. Every little thing she does affects me in a way she does not know. The way she bites her lip whenever she's nervous, the way she giggles at my shitty jokes, and the way she cares for Ava as if she were her own, the way she cares for me.

Especially after I treated her like shit on our first encounter.

Elle gives her kindness to the people that don't deserve it, AKA me. I have become attached to the person I was supposed to stay far away from. I didn't know who to talk to about my problems because Kyle is avoiding me and Christian is in on the bet as well. I needed to fix my shit up with Kyle as soon as possible.

"Hey mom," I say as I rush down the stairs, "whoa, where are you rushing to?" She laughs. "I'm going to Kyles for a bit. I'll be back soon." I say as I grab my jacket from the hanger while slipping my vans on. "Alright. Have fun at Kyles." She waves off while I grab my keys and drive away.


Driving to Kyle's house was a breeze. A good seven minutes, maybe even less. I stepped out of my car and lightly jogged to his door while spamming the doorbell. To my surprise, his mom opened it. It was weird because both his parents were never really home.

"Hi, Vince! Long time no see. Come on in." She greets while taking a step back for me to enter her house. "Thank you, Mrs. Sprayberry. Is Kyle home by any chance?" I asked her and she happily nods. "Yup. He's upstairs in his room. Would you like anything to eat? Drink?" She suggested but I shook my head. "No thank you, I'm all good," I respond and all she does is smile. "Alright, if you need anything, just hop on down here and treat yourself to anything."

"Thank you," I say before heading up to Kyles's room. "Yo," I say while walking in on him playing ps4. All he does is turns to me before taking his headset off and heavily sighing. "What are you doing here?" He says while turning his counsel off. "We needa talk, Kyle. You can't avoid me forever." I sigh before taking a seat on his bed.

"I'm not avoiding you..." I gave him a pointed look before he rolled his eyes, "Okay, I may be avoiding you but that's only because I wanted you to figure out what you are doing is wrong," he says while taking a seat next to me. "Yea, I knew from the start it was wrong. I don't even know why I took up my part on the bet." I shrugged and Kyle chuckles.

"Because you are trying to compete with Keegan. You don't need to prove anything to him, he's a jackass." He simply states which caused me to laugh on the spot. "I know." I sighed.

"So, why'd you come?" His whole mood switched up on me. I think he knows why I really came.

"I've spent a lot of time with Elle and you were right, she's broken. I know she's not telling me her whole story, but every day I'm finding new things about her. Like she's just full of endless possibilities, you know? And the way she talks to me it's like she's actually talking to me, not the fake Vince but it's like she actually sees me. I don't know how to explain it man, but I think I'm fucked." I breathed out. I looked over to Kyle and noticed he had a little smirk playing on his lips.

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