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These past few months felt like a movie. I've never felt happier and I'm scared that happiness would vanish just like that.

I'm currently in English class reading the assigned chapters for Frankenstein but I couldn't even focus one bit. Every second, my mind would drift to the thought of Vince.

"Alright, class. I hope you all are almost done with chapters nine to sixteen." The teacher gave a knowing glance to certain students before continuing. "For this assignment, you will all get into groups of three or four, I really don't care." Mr. Roberts groans. "You guys will compare and contrast whatever characters you desire, and connect the text to real-life situations. I would also like for you to find what symbolizes the theme of the story. This will be due in the next two weeks and you all will be marked individually even though you are in groups. You can all stop looking at me now so get into your groups." He concludes while sitting down with his feet on his desk and opening the newspaper.

I don't even know anyone in this class and we're supposed to be in groups of three.


"Hey," I look to see who approaches me. "Hi," I respond. She's gorgeous. Her hair looks as if it's made out of golden silk that shines, and with ocean blue eyes! She's literally perfect, and I'm curious as to why she is speaking to me.

"Wanna work on the assignment?" She says as she takes a seat next to my desk and opens up her mac book. "Yea, sure."

Is this for real?

"Great! Now we just need one more person..." She says as she looks up ahead, trying to find someone. "Emma! You got a group?" She asks and the brunette shakes her head. She turns her head towards me with a look of disgust which quickly changes into a smile.


She walks up towards us before grabbing a seat and placing it in front of my desk. "Hi, you probably don't know me. I'm Emma." She greets me. She seems nice but something feels off. "Oh yea, I forgot. I'm Leah." The blond introduces herself as well.

"I'm Elle," I respond with a smile. "Yea, we know who you are," Emma says with a discourteous tone. Leah gives her a knowing look before turning her attention back on me. "What she means is that we've heard about you before. Your Vinces girl, right?" She asks with excitement in her voice

"Yea, but let's not talk about that. Did you guys finish the chapters?" Emma rolls her eyes at me before scoffing. "Come on, did y'all have a fight or something? Why can't you talk about him?"

"The reason why I don't want to is because my relationship is no one else's business besides my own. I don't understand why you guys are so interested in my love life."

"Were not interested in your fucking love life, I just wanna why Vince would leave me for a girl like you."

"What's that suppose to mean?" My brows scrunch in confusion.

"Emma, stop." Leah pleads.

"Oh come on. I don't even understand why your backing her up. You're in on the bet too." She smirks while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Emma!" She exclaims

"What bet?" I question. I didn't even bother looking at Emma because I wasn't about to fight no bitch today. Leah seems friendly enough.

"It's nothing. I don't understand what she's talking about." And with that, Emma starts to laugh, and it was not the humorous one.

"Oh please. Sorry to break it to you hun but Leah wants to fuck your boyfriend because her ex doesn't want her anymore." Ok, What the fuck is going on.

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