Part 1

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"Y/n! Wake up! You will be late for your class", your mom woke you up. "Hmm, mom.. please! 5 more minutes", you snuggled into your sheets. 

Your sheets were pulled out by your mom. You whined and woke up half-heartedly. "Get ready soon!", She urged you. You got ready and went to the college. 

Once you entered the campus, you spotted your friends and joined them. You were having fun with them. Once the class started you settled with them in the class. 

Well, let us discuss about you. You were born in a business family. Most of your family members were businessmen and women. 

You had two elder sisters Hyunjoo, Hee ji and they already got married to Min and Jung family respectively. Well, Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok. Two cool brothers in law! You were born a little late when compared to your sisters. 

So you were the youngest of all cousins. Only Jungkook was your age. You both studied together and were best friends. You were also studying business in college. 

You were currently in 2nd year of your college. "Y/n ah! It's boring", Jungkook whispered. "Shut up! Just stare at the board", you said. He just clicked his tongue. You took the notes. Finally the class was over. 

"Lily, next time we should sit together, y/n is boring", Jungkook said. "I am sorry, I ain't leaving my boyfriend", she linked her arms with her boyfriend. 

"You are bound to get stuck with me", you laughed. "I am going to find a girlfriend soon and ditch you", he said. "Let's see", you just laughed. He too laughed. You got a notification. 

You furrowed your eyebrows. "What happened?", He asked. "Mom texted. She is asking me to come home early as soon as the class ends", you said. 

"For?", He asked. "Don't know! She didn't mention anything", you said. He just nodded. "Fine, take care! Shall I drop you off then?",he asked you. 

"Nah! It's fine", you smiled back. Though you both bicker, he cares a lot for you deeply. He was your one and only best friend. As your sisters were not near or around your age, they won't play with you much. 

Jungkook was the one who always played with you. You both hung out a lot. You both planned and took the same course. Till now, he was your everything. "Why are you sulking?",he asked. 

"I don't know! I just don't get a good feeling", you said. "Come on! Just go early, maybe your sisters are visiting",he said. "It could be", you said and just shrugged the feeling. 

The day went in a swift way. You were walking towards the college gate with Jungkook and you spotted a car. "Oh! It's dad!", You said. You and Jungkook greeted him. 

"Uncle, how are you?", He asked. "I am good, son. Convey my greetings to your parents. Y/n, we shall go now",he said. You nodded and got into the car. "Where are we going dad?",you asked. 

"We are meeting someone important, you will know once you reach there", he said. "Oh, okay!",you said. You were just looking outside the car window. You reached home. 

"Y/n ah! Come to your room!",your mom literally dragged you. Your jaws dropped looking at your room. A beautiful green frock was placed in your room. 

"Get ready! Okay. Soon", your mom urged you. You wore the dress. "It's not what I am thinking, isn't it?",you thought to yourself. Your makeup and hair was done. "Wow! You look beautiful!", Your mom said. 

"Mom, tell me why are you doing this? When this happened to Hyunjoo, she got married, also to Hee ji",you said

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"Mom, tell me why are you doing this? When this happened to Hyunjoo, she got married, also to Hee ji",you said. Your mom took your hands in hers' 

"Y/n! Believe me! Whatever we do, it's for your own good and future", she said, running your hands. "Look at both of your sisters, they are happy, aren't they?",she said. 

"Mom, but I am just 19", you rolled your eyes. You were always asked to be ready to get married, from the day you attained puberty. 

As most of your cousins got married this way, this is not something new or you don't have anything to rebel. It's just you are too young. 

You sighed and sat on your couch. You took your phone and texted Jungkook. "Jungkook ah! I think I am meeting someone whom I would probably get married to!", You texted him. 

"Bingo! Congratulations! Lady y/n!", he teased you. "Yah! Get lost", you texted back. Immediately he called you. 

"Hey, don't worry! It's just a meeting right? Let's hope nothing happens. If something is bothering I am there. Okay?",he said. 

You just hummed in response. "Let me try talking to your parents about this, at least you should complete your studies'',he said. 

"I know right!", You replied. "Hey, I got to go!", You said and ended the call. You took a deep sigh and got into your car. "Girl! All the best! If you don't like the groom, just tell them", Hyunjoo texted you. 

You smiled at the text. "Okay, Big sista!", You replied. The second elder sister also cheered you up. Sometimes, your sisters care for you in the most needed situations. You were always thankful for that. 

"Here we are! Behave y/n, Kims would always look at the manners of the people more than anything else", your mother said. You just nodded. You embraced yourself and got out of the car confidently! 

Got married but I'm 19 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now