Part 5

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Taehyung felt an uneasiness when he saw someone else hugging you. "Hobi, brother in law! How are you?", You giggled. "Brother in law! Fineee",he relaxed.

You saw both of your sisters and their husbands were there. You introduced Taehyung to them, meanwhile your father came. "I came to give my greetings uncle", Taehyung said.

You were already immersed in the talk with your sister. "Wow, you look pretty!", they were giggling at your wedding dress. He introduced himself to your brothers in law and had a brief chat.

He searched you for telling you a goodbye, but you already went in with your sisters. "Then, I will take my leave l",he said.

"It was nice meeting you Taehyung", Yoongi and Hoseok said to him. Then he left. "Hyung, he seems like a nice guy!",Hoseok said. "I think so too", Yoongi smiled seeing him going.

You got to know that he left. You sneaked into your balcony, while your sisters were chatting something. You pretended to get fresh air. He walked towards the gate.

He even walks gracefully. You saw him how ethereal he was. He got into the car and drove off. You smiled to yourself and turned around to go in.

You were taken aback looking at your sisters already watching you folding their arms. "What? Why?", You asked them. "Nothing, just come here, we will have sisters night", they made space for you in the bed.

You happily jumped on the bed between them. You all were talking random things and laughing. "Y/n, actually we want to talk to you about something", Hyunjoo said.

"What is it?",you asked. "Uhm, once you get married, you know the night things right", she trailed. "Eonnie, she isn't a saint not to know that", Hee ji laughed.

You tried not to blush hard. "It's okay, if you are doing it with him, but be careful and don't get pregnant. At Least wait till your college ends", Hee ji said. You just nodded.

"Look at her, how she is blushing", Hyunjoo teased you. "Yah!", You hit her arms. "Looking at her, I don't think that she can wait any longer", they teased you once again.

"But, you are still young and your body is still tender, my advice it's actually better not to have sex atleast for one or two years", Hyunjoo said. You nervously bit your lips and nodded.

Honestly, you won't mind, if he wants to have one even before that. "Uhm, Hee ji are you there?", Hoseok knocked the door. You giggled.

"Your husbands can't even spend one night without you both, but you guys are teasing me", you laughed. You opened the door and pushed your sisters out.

"Good night, all of you", you greeted them and jumped on the bed. Your body experienced a sexual tension. You curled up with a blanket and hugged your pillow tightly. You just couldn't stop blushing.

Taehyung Room-

After showering, Taehyung came out of the bathroom and was drying his hair. He was standing in front of the mirror. Suddenly, the thought of Hoseok hugging you crossed the mind.

How you fit perfectly. "Will she fit like the same, in my hands? Ugh! What am I thinking?", His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Hey brother!", Seokjin and Namjoon came into his room.

"What's this? Suddenly, my brothers are visiting me?",he chuckled. "Yah! How did it go today?", Jin asked. "Well, pretty good!",he replied.

"Are you mentally prepared to get married?", Namjoon asked him. "Hmm, I guess so", Taehyung sat across them on the couch. "Can't believe that you are already getting married", Jin chuckled.

"Yeah! I always saw him as a kid", Namjoon too giggled at the memories. "Have you took her to dates?", Namjoon asked. "Ah, No!", Taehyung replied.

"Yah! I didn't raise you well! You should have taken her Taehyung ah! She should feel comfortable at least around you", Jin said. "Hyung! You married Minji Noona, after years of dating!", He replied.

"Then, how did Namjoon get married? It was arranged marriage, but he handled it really well", Jin said. "Taehyung ah! Just think about her, she would have to leave her home and family to come here.

If she has a problem, with whom she would share? You should be at least approachable. You should know about her at least a little", Namjoon said.

He had a point though. Taehyung just nodded. "Also, don't be an unholy child at least for now", Jin laughed at his own joke. "What do you mean?", Taehyung asked, confused.

Namjoon too laughed. "Means, she is still young right! So, give her some time and you have all your life", Namjoon said. "I know I know! Now both of you can go", he too pushed them away.

He lied down on the bed. The way you looked from the balcony, he smiled himself. You thought that he didn't notice you.

But while entering the car, he saw you standing and looking at him. He thought about what his brothers were talking about.

Soon, days passed. The wedding date was approaching. You were Hella nervous. Lily, her boyfriend and Jungkook kept calming you down.

Occasionally, you would ask Jungkook what men would like or dislike in general.  Jungkook had a different ideology about love. "Jungkook when are you going to find someone, only you are not seeing anyone", Lily asked.

"Lily, you know what,  when I see that person, I should hear a bell. That's how I want to find my right person", he said. "Just tell that you would die single", she giggled.

You laughed too. "You are dumb girls, but I will wait for my girl", he dramatically said. "Will he ever feel for me this way?", You thought to yourself about Taehyung.

Got married but I'm 19 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now