Part 14

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After you left the interview room, finally Jimin let out his laughter. "So, your wife is applying here?",he asked. "I really didn't know that she would apply for this position, that too as an intern", Taehyung said.

"They were pretty good though", Jimin said. "Don't talk about them", Taehyung said. "Wait! Are you jealous of Jungkook?", Jimin asked. "A lot", Taehyung admitted honestly.

"But, we talked about it, still if I see him with her, I can't help but feel jealous", Taehyung added. "Interesting! I wish to recruit both of them together in the same team", Jimin said.

"What do you mean in the same team? Why should they be on the same team?", Taehyung asked. "Because we are hiring people to be on the same team,'' Jimin said, crossing his arms.

"Whatever! But why Jungkook is applying here, he could have gone to his father's company", Taehyung said. "Maybe, they would have wished to test themselves", Jimin said.

"I am really mad at her, she didn't utter a word about this to me", Taehyung said. "Go easy, she must have had her reasons", Jimin patted him.


You looked at him by lifting your chin up. "Then, why were you mad?", You pouted. "That's because you didn't tell me",he said. "I wanted to be treated fairly like every other intern there, so please don't give special attention", you said.

"Fine", he chuckled. "Fine!",you mocked him. "Hey, that's so mean", he giggled. "Not more than you", you hit his chest. You yawned as you were sleepy. "Shall we sleep?",you asked, rubbing your eyes.

"Hmmm",he hummed in response. "Can I kiss you?",he asked. "Aren't we kissing each other too much?",you giggled. "Why? Is there something wrong? Can't I kiss my wife?",he asked. "Why are you even asking then?", You said.

Cuddles and kisses were shared and soon you went to sleep. After a week, you and Jungkook got the acceptance letter from the company. "Wow! I thought that your husband would reject me", Jungkook said.

"Ya! Why would he?",you asked. "Because I see how he looks at you, and how jealous if I am with you", he chuckled. "You noticed that, huh?",you asked.

"Anyone could, I am glad that he loves you", Jungkook ruffled your hair. You both went to the office for the first day of work. There were HR managers who helped you out for processing.

Everything went well. You both were under Jimin's department. A supervisor was appointed to teach you work and he was like a head for you all. Jimin was your direct boss.

You were made to sit in a cubicle and witnessed how the work actually took place. It was all fascinating. You were given paperwork to submit. You knocked Jimin's office door to get his approval.

Once you went in you saw Taehyung and Jimin discussing something. "Hello Ms. Intern, how is your work going?"Jimin purposely pulled your legs. "It's going well, Mr. Park", you too played along.

"Oh really! I must say your work is really impressive", Jimin said. "Thank you, Mr. Park",you bowed at both of them. You left the room with a smug smile.

Taehyung really doesn't like to be ignored. But today you were pushing his buttons. After sometime, someone informed you that Taehyung wants to meet you.

"Hello Mr. Kim, why would you want to see me?",you asked. "Y/n ah! Are you really going to be like this?",he asked. "Like what, Mr. Kim?",you asked, innocently. He walked towards you, you moved back.

He finally arrested you in between him and the wall. "Why are you ignoring me?",he asked. "I am not ignoring, I am trying to be professional",you said. "You need not to be",he said, still coming closer.

"I have to",it almost came out like a whisper. He put his hands either side of you. "Mrs. Kim, don't test me! I don't know how long I can control myself", he growled in your ear.

"Taehyung!",you gulped. He leaned forward to your lips. You put your finger on his lips. "You can't do this",you said.

"Why?",he asked. "My makeup will be ruined, I can let people spread some unwanted rumours'',you said. "Well, that would be truth", he said, still with a deep voice. His phone rang ruining the moment.

"Well, you can go now", he released you finally. You almost ran out of his office. Your cheeks were red and hot. Your intern days really went well. You learned a lot and eventually it came to an end.

One fine day, Jimin announced the big news. He announced that he was getting married soon. Everyone congratulated him. It was going to take place on an Island.

You were also happy for him. Taehyung was supposed to take care of the company in his place and also take care of the wedding stuff for his best friend.

He was beyond happy for his best friend. On the other hand, your sisters said that they were visiting your parent's house. They want you to join them if you want to. You too missed your home.

Taehyung too agreed in the first place, because he will be busy for sometime. You bid farewell to your in-laws and to your husband. "Take care y/n, don't forget me once you go there",he said.

You giggled at his statement. "How can I?", You chuckled. "I will drive you home",he said. "Okay",you replied. He pecked your lips.

Once you reached your home, you really forgot everything. You had a good family time. This time your brothers in law were also not there.

You spent the whole day by eating, talking and eventually went to sleep because of tiredness. Taehyung came back to the empty room after work. The room was never dark.

Now your absence made it seem like everything was empty. He switched on the lights. It once again felt like a bachelor's life. He lied on his bed. But sleep was nowhere to be found.

He looked at your side. It was cold and empty. He softly caressed your space. He twisted and turned in the attempts to sleep. But as he was used to sleeping with you, he couldn't sleep alone.

Once again he hugged his teddy thinking about you. "What have you done to me y/n ah? I just can't be without you even for a night",he mumbled. He decided to text you, but he received no reply!

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