Part 4

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Taehyung's POV

Why is she like this? Her acting is all cute. I just can't stop thinking about her. But I should pull myself together.

She is so young. Well, it concerns me a lot. She is still immature. I just can't push things. Let me wait.

Look at her pouting her lips and playing with hair for no reason. She is cute and adorable. Should I initiate a conversation?

"Uhm, how are your studies going?", I asked her. "Uhm, good. Not bad", she replied. Just adorable!

End of PoV

You both reached the shop. He took you in. "Y/n, This is Jimin. Jimin, this is y/n", he introduced his friend. "Well, hello y/n. I came to help you with your wedding dresses and I am your fiancé's best friend", he giggled at the end.

You too laughed a little. He seemed nice. He made the atmosphere a little joyous. He was also a director at the company.

As he is also in the fashion line, Taehyung asked him to help. "Y/n, you can try out some wedding frocks, they will help you",he pointed at the employees.

You changed into a frock and they opened the screen. You were a little awkward to present yourself in front of them.

When the curtain opened Taehyung lifted his head from the phone. His jaws dropped a little visibly. "Is it okay?",you asked. Jimin silently noticed Taehyung's reaction.

"Try some more y/n, Taehyung ah take a picture of her, so that you both compare and decide", he said, winking. "Eh-, Jimin ah.. that's, nevermind",he took a picture of you.

You went in to change. "Why would you do that?", He asked Jimin. "What? You were about to drool. That's why",he chuckled.

"I was not!",he said. "Tell me honestly, you fell for right?", Jimin asked. "I can't say that I fell for her, but honestly she is adorable",he said.

"Well, that's a good progress, Mr. Cold", Jimin patted. Taehyung rolled his eyes. You changed a few dresses. Finally, you both decided one.

Now he changed his suits. He looked good in everything. You clicked pictures. Well, you enjoyed a little too much. Jimin really helped you to ease.

You were relieved that he was there to help you. Finally the wedding dress shopping was over. It was pretty late in the evening.

"Jimin ah, why don't you join us for dinner?", Taehyung asked. "Uhm, I have an appointment, maybe some other time",he said.

"What appointment? There's nothing in your schedule",he said. "Mr. Kim, there is something called private life and they don't come in company schedules, see you tomorrow",he chuckled.

"Have a good night y/n", he waved at you. You liked his friendly nature a lot. "I think you can just drop me home, it's not that late for dinner",you said.

"Why? You don't want to have dinner with me?",he asked. "Oh! No! Not like that! I just didn't want to trouble you, sorry if I have offended you", you said, a little worried.

"Is it so? Anyway I was kidding",he walked towards the car, with a big boxy smile.

Your jaw dropped. "He scared me for a moment", you sighed in relief. He took you to the restaurant and you had dinner. You successfully initiated some conversation.

He spoke random topics with you. You both grew quite comfortable with each other. You badly wanted to ask one question. About his past relationships, even though it's not a big deal.

But you were curious. "Should I ask or not?",you debated inside. "What are you thinking?",he asked. "Nothing!",you immediately said.

"I was just curious, were you in a relationship?",he asked. "Nice!",you thought. "No! I was not allowed to, from the beginning",you said.

"Uhm, what about you?", You asked. "Well, I had 2 pretty serious relationships, but it eventually came to an end", he said. "Oh!", That's all you said. It was a little painful for you.

Anyway, he is going to marry me! That thought brightened your mood! Truthfully, he enjoyed seeing your reactions. He purposely asked the question.

He was satisfied with your pouty reaction. "She is just a fluff ball",he internally smiled. You were addicted to him, while he was studying you.

You both can't tell if you like eachother or love each other. But you were comfortable with each other. After finishing your dinner, he was driving home.

"Would you always drive yourself? Like no driver or someone?",you asked. "Sometimes, it depends",he said.  You liked this a lot. Having only two of you.

You kept stealing glances. "This is why girls drool over their young professor sometimes. Gosh look at him", your mind kept thinking about him.

He was undoubtedly hot! You didn't even check your phone. You opened your phone to tons of messages in your group chat.

Your nosy friends were so curious about your date. You sent the chosen wedding dress. The reaction they were giving was hilarious.

You laughed a little loudly. "What happened?",he asked you. "Uhm, nothing, my friends were just fooling around",you said.

"I see, you guys are still in college right? That must be nice",he said. You just smiled. You both reached your house. You both got out of the car.

"Fine then, see you y/n",he smiled. "Uhm, if you want you can come in, mom and dad would be pleased to see you",you said.

He thought for a while and agreed. Once you both entered the house. It was packed. "Hey Y/n!" "Y/niee",you were hugged tightly by the male. Taehyung sure did feel an uneasiness when someone else hugged you tightly!

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