Part 15

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You woke up in the morning. You as usual, searched for warmth beside you. When you couldn't find any, reality striked you. You blinked your eyes and remembered that you were in your house.

How funny! Your own room of 18 years is no more the happiest place! You took your phone to check messages. "Good night!",he texted you the previous night.

You sent him a good morning. You were getting ready for the day. He replied to you. You smiled at the message.

Before you could know the time kept moving fast. Taehyung was also busy with company work. He came home a little bit later than usual.

He saw Namjoon sitting in the garden and feeling the cool breeze. "Hyung! What are you doing this late?", Taehyung asked. "Just resting, how is work?", Namjoon asked.

"Good Hyung, a little hectic because of Jimin's absence",he said. He sat beside Namjoon. "You should be tired, go and rest",he said. "No, I just don't feel sleepy, even though I am tired I can't sleep", Taehyung said.

"Already, missing her?", Namjoon chuckled. "No! Not like that", he said. "Yah! I can see through your lies", Namjoon patted his shoulder.

"Have you felt like that too?", Taehyung asked. "Yes, a lot of times. Usually business trips are the hardest part", Namjoon said.

"Everyone thinks that we enjoy during business trips, but when you leave behind someone who you truly love, it will hurt. Even though you knew that you would be back", Namjoon said.

Taehyung too missed you now. He can't believe that he is missing you even though it's not even a day or two. "But, you know what, this kind of separation is needed.

You will miss more and fall in love more", Namjoon said. He was right. After talking sometime, Taehyung came back to his room. He decided to call you.

You attended the call, but you were in a noisy surrounding. You excused yourself. "Hey!", You said. "Looks like someone is enjoying themselves,'' Taehyung asked.

"No, it's not like you think", you chuckled. "So, how is work? Did you have your dinner?", You asked. "I had", he replied.

"Okay, don't skip meals because of work, take care of yourselves, sleep well and eat well",you said. He was so silent. "Taehyung!",you called again.

"Yeah y/n, I am listening",he said. "I don't think so",you said. "I miss you", the other end said. You went speechless for a moment. "I miss you too",you said.

"I miss you more, every second and every minute", he said. "Hey, it's not like I will be gone forever. I will come back after Jimin's wedding anyway", you said.

"That's too long",he whined. "Sir, don't act like a baby and go to sleep",you said. He clicked his tongue. "You too eat well and sleep well",he said. "Uhm, okay. Good night",you both ended the call.

You were smiling and when you turned around you got a mini attack. Both of your sisters were watching you. "Ya! Why are you eavesdropping?",you asked. They both giggled at each other.

"Just curious, how our sister is talking to her husband", Hyunjoo said. "Don't act like you both never did even worse than I did", you said.

"We had a doubt that were you really happy? Now we are relieved", she said. You smiled at them. "Ok, don't tell me that you both didn't do that yet'', she asked, almost like a whisper.

"No! We didn't!",you almost shouted. "Really?!", They looked at eachother. "We kiss, but ", you curled your hair. "Woah! Woah! Look at her showing off", they teased you.

"Hey! I am sleepy, Good night", you dashed to your room. You both missed each other a lot. As the wedding was planned to be held in Jeju island, Taehyung went first.

You decided to come with your parent's family. Everyone was invited including Jungkook's family. During the internship period Jungkook and Jimin became really close.

Finally, you packed your things and almost like preparing for trip. Well it's them who are getting married. You all can enjoy. Your brothers in law joined too. Jungkook came with you.

He was also a lot busier than before. As your studies were nearing their end, responsibilities started to increase. After a few hours of plane travel, you reached Jeju.

Islands always give you calmness. The sea smell and fresh air, you relaxed a lot. Also, you were happy that you would meet Taehyung after days.

You were excited as if you were going to meet your crush. Some of your other cousins whose family were also in business came to the wedding.

They booked a huge hotel with resorts for the wedding. Jimin did everything he can, because he is going to marry the love of his life. You met a lot of your friends and family in the hotel lobby.

You kept searching for Taehyung and he finally showed up. Mrs. Kim was also very glad to see you. You were talking with the family.

You can't ignore them completely because it would be disrespectful. You exchanged a few words with Taehyung but you really didn't get any proper chance to talk to him.

"Taehyung, take y/n to your room", Mr. Kim said. 'Finally!!!" You both went to the room. You were talking about something random. Once he opened the room he let you in.

"Wow! This is so beautiful",you said, looking at the view. Taehyung kept looking at you. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer and...!

To be continued-

Got married but I'm 19 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now