Part 8

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You are startled by his action. But he was still sleeping well. "Phew! He did unintentionally while sleeping", you released your breath. You were just admiring his face.

You got a call from your mom. So, you exited the room. "Hey, y/n how things are going there?",she asked you. "It's going well, mom", you said. After talking for sometime.

You ended the call with her. The rest of the day passed swiftly. You liked being here. It was not really bad. Everyone was really good to you.

Once again it was around bedtime. You both were getting ready to sleep. He really didn't talk much. He only answered the questions you asked him.

"Y/n!",he called you. "Yeah!", You replied. "Uhm, Have this, maybe you need it during sleep",he handed you a teddy bear plushie. "Haha! Thanks", you awkwardly got it.

He indirectly said that not to disturb him! Embarrassment! But wait! Why does he have a teddy bear out of all! "Uhm, you like teddy bears? It seems old, I mean do you have this for a very long time?",you asked.

"Huh! I guess so! Someone must have given me", he said. "Oh!", You said. You heard a knock on your door. "Taehyung ah!", It was Jin.

He opened the door. "Yeah! Hyung come in",he said. "Oh! Hey y/n! How was your day?",he asked. "It went well", you replied.

"That's good!", Jin smiled. "Why do you have Taehyung's best friend in your hands?", Jin asked. "Hyung!", Taehyung tried to block him."Best friend?! This teddy?", You asked.

"Yeah yeah! He considered this as his best friend, till Jimin became his friend", Jin giggled. Taehyung flushed in embarrassment. You suppress your laughter.

You found him adorable. "Hyung! Why did you come by the way?", Taehyung asked. "Dad wants you to meet a business client tomorrow with him. So he asked me to inform you on my way to my room", he said.

"Oh fine, then bye", he tried to make him go before he would tell more of his embarrassing stories. "Good night y/n ah!" "Good night oppa!"

Taehyung finally closed the door. He was so embarrassed to see you now. He wanted to play cool and didn't want you to have childish behaviours. You found that cute.

You hugged your Teddy bear. 'Who would want a small plushie, when you have a big, comfy and a hot one right beside you, but still...' He was doing something as if nothing happened.

"Good night y/n", he said lying beside you. "Good night, I will take care of your best friend well", you giggled at the end. His face flushed and he turned to the other side.

He tightly shut and opened his eyes out of embarrassment. You were a lost busier in College doing assignments and stuff, while he was busy with work.

Sometimes, you would be studying till late night, he'll go to sleep or vice versa. You both became a lot comfortable and started sharing your little things.

He was more like a roommate rather than a husband. Soon the exams approached. "If you want you can stay in your home till the exam ends, so that you can prepare well",he said.

"Uhm, no it's okay. I will never study there", you awkwardly said. Exam period was crazy. Even though it looked like you studied everyday, actually you didn't except for the assignments.

You crammed everything possible into your brain. "You didn't study all these days, did you?",he asked. You sheepishly smiled.

"It's not like that, just there's a lot to study because it's the end semester", you said. "We will know when the results come out", he said. You just kept quiet.

'Why he is behaving like a parent now, ugh!' You were studying till late night. You craved for some coffee. You went to the kitchen just to see Jin and his wife cooking together.

"Oh! Hi y/n! Why are you still awake?", Min ji asked. "Uhm, I was preparing for an exam, I came for a coffee", you said. "Wait! I will make one for you", she said.

"No No! You both can continue, I will make myself", you said. "Yah! It's okay! Just rest a bit", Jin said. You thanked them.

Compared to Namjoon and his wife, this couple was more lovey dovey. "Why are you cooking this late?", You asked. "Just we were a bit hungry, so we were making pasta, you too should have some", Jin said.

"No, I don't want to take risks by eating late, else tomorrow will be a disaster",you said. "You care a lot for exams", Min ji said.

"Yeah eonnie! I just have a lot of people who would question me", you pouted. "Taehyung?", Jin questioned. "Yeah!", You dragged.

"Just don't mind him, he is always like that", Jin said and laughed. "You both are always looking great together", you said. "We do", Min ji handed you the coffee.

"So, how's things with Taehyung?", Jin asked. "Pretty good! It's nice to be with him", you said. "Ahem!", Taehyung too came to the kitchen. "Y/n! I just came as you were not in the room", he said.

"I came for a coffee", you said. "Oh Okay", he said. He was so sleepy and went back. "Y/n, just sleep soon, don't worry about exams", min ji and Jin wished you good night.

You were slightly jealous of the couple. You too wanted to share moments like this with him. Finally the exams were over.

You had a month's vacation. Best part of studying! But this vacation you can't spend it with Jungkook. His father planned to send him to Japan.

Obviously you can't disturb Lily and her boyfriend. You all were having family dinner. "Y/n! When does your vacation end?",your father in law asked. "Almost after a month, uncle", you said.

"Then, you both should go on a trip, somewhere nice", he suggested. "Yeah honey! I was thinking the same'', Mrs. Kim said. You just looked at Taehyung and he looked at you.

"Taehyung, Paris fashion is approaching! So, I guess you both can go there", Namjoon suggested. "Paris! With him! Alone! Woah'', you mind screamed in excitement.

Taehyung's eyes too widened a bit. "I guess that's a good idea", he said. 'Yeah! Paris! We are coming!'

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