Part 13

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Taehyung's Pov~

As I entered the house, Jin and Joon were really having a fun time with y/n. They were laughing about something. I really like the way y/n adjusts and behaves with everyone in the house.

I was eager to know what they were talking about. As soon I saw the picture, a pain got spread in my heart. I was already a little insecure about their friendship.

What if someday she changes her mind or what if he wants to have her? Because even if they fell for each other, I can't blame that. Just because she got married to me, doesn't mean she will be mine.

I started getting all those thoughts. Even though she confessed, still the way I treated her was not really romantic. I knew very well that I didn't express myself in my best way.

The one thing that keeps concerning me is our age gap. There were a lot of times, my heart flutters a lot, but I am controlling myself, so that I won't distract her from studying.

That resulted in huge insecurity now. When I asked her if she loves me, she had an unreadable expression.

End of Pov

"I love you, I love you more than you think", you whispered. A drop of tear left your eyes. He too teared up. "Why? Why are you asking like this?",you asked.

"Jungkook! I am really insecure when I think about him",he said. "He is my best friend, you are my husband. There's nothing to be insecure",you said, smiling.

He honestly explained to you about his feelings. "I am sorry, if I have made you feel like this",you said. You both were still under the duvet in each other's arms.

You moved forward and gave him a peck. He pulled you closer. He nuzzled in your neck. You smiled at his gesture. For the very first time, he spoke to you very honestly.

He was showing his baby side. "Sleep peacefully, I am going nowhere",you said. He comfortably pulled you and slept. You too eventually slept.

Next morning, you felt a weight on you. You saw him sleeping peacefully. You softly woke him up. He saw your face and smiled.

After a few seconds, he remembered the night. He was so embarrassed now. He abruptly tried to leave the room. You pulled him back. "Don't tell me, you are embarrassed now",you said with a chuckle.

"What? That's-",he was searching for the right words. "You are cute, sometimes you can loosen up yourself with me, I love that side of yours",you giggled.

"Whatever",he mumbled. You placed a kiss on his cheek. He slightly blushed. "What?! Give me one too,if you get one then you should give me one!", you whined. "You want one?",he asked.

"Yes!", You nodded. "Close your eyes'',he said. You too closed your eyes. You waited for him to make the move. He moved closer to you.

The creaking sound of the bed indicated that he is coming closer. But, instead of kissing he flicked your forehead. "Hey, that's so mean",you winced in pain. He just laughed.

"That really hurts'',you pouted. "I am sorry",he placed a kiss on your forehead. He then kissed your nose. You giggled. He kissed your lips.

Slowly, he deepened the kiss. He sucked your bottom lips with great passion. He pulled out to breathe. "I love you",he said.

"I love you too",you said. These kinds of mornings were the most beautiful ones. As usual, you went to college and he went to work.

"Y/n, I got a mail from the company to attend the interview, did you get one?",he asked. "Wait, I will check.

Oh, I got too", you said. "I really hope that we could get in", you said. "Yeah! If not tell your husband to accept us", he joked. You rolled your eyes.

D-day of interview~

You both were nervously waiting for your turn. Even though it's nothing somehow the nervousness crept into your system. As you didn't really go to the company, the employees didn't recognize you.

Jungkook and you were sent in together for the interview. It was a batch process. What you didn't know was the directors themselves would be hiring interns.

You were taken aback when you saw Jimin and Taehyung sitting right Infront of you. You composed yourself immediately and acted professionally.

Jungkook was also a little nervous. They both asked you a lot of basic questions and treated you like other applicants. For the whole time, Jimin had a pleasant and smiley face.

He was even trying to control the laughter. Who would have expected the boss's wife would apply formally and go through the process. Taehyung on the other side was kinda mad or disappointed or you didn't know what that was.

You just thought that he would keep his face like that while hiring. "We will be intimate through the mail", Jimin said. You both thanked them and left the room. Your legs decided not to stand straight.

"Why was he there?", Jungkook asked. "How would I know, who knew that they both would be hiring the interns?",you said.

"Anyway, let's hope for the best, else I am going to my dad's company", Jungkook chuckled. You too chuckled. The rest of the day you didn't get any response or call from Taehyung.

You went home to greet Minji having her evening with Jin. He was taking care of his pregnant wife so well. You had a brief chat with them and went to your room. Even after dinner, Taehyung didn't talk to you much.

At first you thought that he was busy, but something was off. Once again, it was killing you. "Uhm, did I do well in the interview?", You asked. He sighed at you. "Why didn't you tell me that you were applying or you didn't even tell me anything about attending.

At least today you could have?",he said. He was disappointed because you were not sharing anything with him. "I wanted to clear the interview fairly, I wanted to see how well I can do",you said pouting.

"Is that's the only reason?",he asked. You said,"yes". Taehyung clicked the tongue. He gestured to you to come closer. He hugged you. "You did well, I am so proud of you",he said.

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